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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. looks powerful but you're gonna have to invent an new class size for a ship big enough to use one of those
  2. You'll have to check this but I think 2.5m radius weaponry is disallowed on fighters, it has to be a destroyer or cruiser to carry those.
  3. Armour won't even be necessary when the fighters get the initiative and eliminate all threats before they have a chance to open fire.
  4. If you remember in episode 13: fighters get the initiative
  5. Finally after so many designs that stamp on the part limit, a ship that may actually be accepted (it's still about 100 over... unarmed......Sigh) Ill do a submission when it's over laythe (without hyperedit) It's called the Hyperion class, I'm thinking of calling the fighters Eos class and arming the ship with Selene anti-fighter missiles and Helios anti-capital torpedoes. Yeah there's some Greek mythology I know nothing about http://imgur.com/a/s6IW3
  6. Welp after going through a load of huge ships designs here's a carrier type thing http://imgur.com/a/s6IW3
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