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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. I dont know if anyone else has had this problem, but anytime i attach a launch clamp to a FASA part, at launch when physics kicks in, it just falls off. Only seems to happen with the FASA parts on the ship.
  2. This is the best tutorial out there, how to build them and how to fly them. Helped me big time. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/39141-Tutorial-How-to-make-your-first-SSTO?highlight=ssto+tutorial
  3. It's all good, the problem wasn't that a ship wasn't compatible anymore, it was that is wasn't paying attention to the warning message so i didn't know which ship I had the problem with.
  4. When i swapped to the current version and started up my save file i got a bunch of warnings that a few ships couldn't be loaded due to missing parts. So i put the old version back and was slowly working my way through the parts to find the conflict.
  5. Dam, of course it is. Thank you. Sometimes 2 + 2 will just not make 4, no matter how much you look at it.
  6. Since installing the 2.2 version on this mod ksp crashes a lot now. It doesn't freeze it will just close itself (mainly when i load into a different location, ie VAB to launch pad) Is there any possibility the mod is causing this? and has anyone else run into this problem. I'm running a mixture of the current version and a previous version, some parts are doubled up, could this be the cause?
  7. Sounds to me like you're going into atmo the wrong way round. The other thing you could do is eject it slightly higher in the atmo (where the air is thinner) and it will eject further. I was just thinking the other day that the ejection force was pretty high on the nose cone.
  8. New models look beautiful
  9. Yea i know its not meant for docking, but its very good to help line everything up.
  10. If you read a few posts up you would see that its not possible Frizzank, you going to put the reticule/ scale back on the windows? i found those quite useful for docking.
  11. Its the bug that won't allow you to undock, as far as i can tell (from what i've read) one port thinks its undocked and the other thinks its still docked.
  12. This is my current station (in progress). A bit of a bitch getting the parts together thanks to my low powered laptop. I'm using 4 Jr ports to attach the pieces together, but due to the lag only half of them attach. Still holds together though. The approach The ship on the far right is stuck docked atm, working on fixing that.
  13. You got any screenshots? Might be because im tired, but I can't quite picture this in my head.
  14. Thats not true at all, you only have to test to see if its possible, and don't need to post proof of your attempts.
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