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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. See I don't use any mods as of yet I'd like to have the one that shows weight of the craft and thrust because there's lots of trail and error without it. I knew about caps locks softening control thanks to Scott Manly who's channel I came across by accident.
  2. Ok, thank you sir! And sorry I might be smart but I can't spell for **** and I hated Angwish class
  3. OMG it does work I feel so stupide. when I pressed it it looked like it jumped back like when using pitch and yaw control with SAS on but I never had a point of reference cause I never kept sas on when close to what I wanted to dock with.Thanx. One more Question thought I hit the dock port goin .02 m/s sec and it didn't connect I'm trying to dock with a clamp o tron on the station I made using a ship with a jr clam o tron does this make a diff cause once getting close I thought the magnets would capture it and all I did was bump the station
  4. no I keep it turned off cause I when I use it a let off the key it move me back to where I was either that or my eyes re playing trick on me. I'm using .20 but I put ASAS on ever ship I build. perhas eye are just play trick so I'll go into game and try again if not I'll be back
  5. I have spent all day place RCS thursters in different positions and different number of thrusters. even tried just dorsal and ventral RCS pods right on center of mass yet when I press J or L key instead of moving my craft liner it spins the whole ship. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!! I want to built a station but I can't cause instead of small corrections my ship spins out of control
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