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Jeb's Safety Instructor

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I noticed the same thing. When 0.21 came out, my game kept crashing after every 2nd or 3rd (failed) launch. Even with a clean install without mods. I had to turn down the graphics quality to prevent the crashes. I also hope they manage to solve the problem of lag when your partcount goes up. Trying to build a spacestation but it starts to get really laggy now after I added 3 modules to it.
  2. Landing on the moon is easy! Nicely on the legs on the other hand... Responsible for many additional craters on the mun...
  3. After losing too many Kerbals, my posts seems to get lost with them!
  4. Came across this game on Steam. Space and rockets, two of my favourite things! Having an aweful lot of fun building rockets and landing (read crashing) into all kinds of surfaces! Hey, one day I actually might get Jeb safely and (mostly) unharmed to the ground for a stroll.
  5. 'More Boosters' Jeb & 'Safety First' Bob are excellent names. Put a seatbelt on and a extra booster. Feels a space raceway coming up!
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