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  1. ///Start news report/// Vezieri miners at Vall rejoiced as the Fox Class Light Attack Frigate Mk.2 VCSV Toad 1 exited its jump and began its orbit of Vall. But all was not well, soon after VCSV Toad 1 arrived VCSV Bopin made an emergency burn for Laythe. VCSV Backwash had taken two torpedoes and had gone down in the Laythian orbit. Reports say that Danfrey Kerman, Burzon Kerman, and Hudsy Kerman were killed but that the Captain of the ship and a Scientist, who was ejected groundside when the escape pod he was in was hit during a Spritwolf raid, lived. Vezieri Corps' Joolian Operation Overseer says- "From what we've been able to find out the ship was hit by two torpedoes, one hit the engine at 1300 KST and another hit the pilots' cockpit at roughly 1323 KST. Luckily for the us the pilot had already moved to an escape pod when the second torpedo hit. Unfortunately the forward Co-pilot, who sits behind the pilot, was immediately killed in the explosion the others two perished when the craft de-orbited. We do not know who fired the shots but we do know who manufactured the weapons that killed our employees, Spiritwolf." Vezieri Corp executives say that Hanland has been given control of all employees now residing in the Jollian system. They have also enacted section 21 of their Joolian system employee's contracts, Stand Your Ground. It states that all employees are to defend assets from enemies of the corporation who seek to seize or destroy company property. ///End News Report/// Updated Orbits Laythe: VCSV Bopin http://i1137.photobucket.com/albums/n509/chief444/KSP2013-07-3112-11-00-08_zpsca229a90.jpg' alt='KSP2013-07-3112-11-00-08_zpsca229a90.jpg'> Vall: VCSV Hammer and VCSV Toad 1 And image of Toad 1 Toad 1 is crewed by Lars Kerman, Charlie Kerman, Frank Kerman, Gus Kerman, and Tomcan Kerman. It does not have any anti-fighter missiles, as is standard on all Mk.2s as the missiles were too hazardous, but still has its anti-shipping missile, which is a very hard hitter. 1 for Communications antennas and Solar panels, if they are not already activated. After missile launch don't hit space again that's the escape pods' rockets. Missile must be player driven to target, it is harder than it sounds but the missile is pretty good at what it does.
  2. The Vezieri Corporation representatives would like to announce that recertification of the escape pods on ALL Fox Class Light Frigates was successful. We would also like to announce that the rumors of Vezieri Fleet Command giving Captain Jebediah Kerman XIII the order to de-orbit and abandon the Fox Class LPF VCSV Backwash because its anti-fighter missiles failed recertification are false. He is to rendezvous with the outer fleet and let the Fox Class LAF Mk.2 VCSV Toad 1 take his place. An updated save file will be edited in to my previous post when it is ready.
  3. During engagements crewmembers and scientists onboard Fox Class Light Patrol Frigates and Fox Class Refit Light Attack Frigates reported that Arpoon or Lanset anti-fighter missiles were not decoupling correctly. The reports mention that no damage was done to the ships but several Fox Class Refits were knocked off course and this caused their main missiles to miss their targets. It has come to the commissions attention that almost half of the ships lost were from collisions with debris, but most were destroyed in battle above Laythe. This Commission would like to inform ALL pilots that the RCS is connected to your anti-fighter missiles, and that you are not to use it as your ships turn a lot better without the use of RCS. ///End commission report/// ///Start The Research and Chairman's Announcement/// The final weapons tests and Requalification weapons tests both showed that both the anti-shipping AND the anti-fighter missiles were working fine but it does seem that one of the AF missiles may have a slight tendency to malfunction upon firing that is not hazardous to the crew in any way. We are now pushing our proposition of defense and deterrence in the Joolian system with Hanland due to recent aggressions from Spiritwolf. The Fox class Light Patrol Frigate VCSV Backwash orbiting Laythe and the Fox Class Refit Light Attack Frigates VCSV Bopin (now orbiting Vall) and VCSV Hammer (orbiting vall) are under orders to defend their orbits in the name of Hanland. We are also pushing for the board to allow the Outer Fleet to send several more ships. But until then Hanland only have control of the 3 Vessels. VCSV Backwash Orbit: Laythe with scientist trapped planetside floating in an escape pod. VCSV Hammer and Bopin Orbit: Both orbiting Vall, possible collision course, possible non-collision course. If we get permission to send more craft we will, our mining assets are too valuable to lose. Until then we hope Hanland we be able to hold the Joolian system with our support. /// End Research and Chairman's Announcement/// EDIT: Updated download link: http://www./download/ugm590sw0gcfv8b/Spartanpawn007.rar
  4. The Vezieri (Vez-Ear-Ey) Corporation is happy to lend its Fox Class Light Patrol Frigate and Fox Class Refit Light Attack Frigates (All Fox Class LP/LAFs are not rated for atmosphere and are not to be used for long range attacks ie. interplanetary attacks) to the Hanland Corporation. After the departure of the Westgate Security Forces 8th Fleet and a run-in with SpiritWolf vessels that left a good portion of our fleet destroyed we are forced to ask the current holders of Laythe, the Hanland Corporation, for help. We will hold our ships around Laythe and Vall as a deterrent in exchange for safety until Westgate sends its fleet back or tugs to pull our ships back to the Gret system, after we compensate our Kerbal workers before terminating their jobs. Here are the ships we have in orbit so far: Fox Class Light Patrol Frigate VCSV Backwash, and Fox Class Refit Light Attack Frigates VCSV Bopin and VCSV Hammer. Fox Class Light Patrol Frigate VCSV Backwash Armament: 1 Zeg-B Controlled Anti-Shipping missile, 1 Lanset5 controlled anti-fighter missile, and 1 Arpoon controlled anti-fighter missile. Carrying Capacity: 1pilot+3Co-pilots, currently holding one Scientist each in one of the two escape pods. (Co-pilots can not evacuate due to configuration of their cockpits). Link for file will be available after the commission looks into Spiritwolf engagements to separate ships lost from Spiritwolf aggression and ships lost from accidents.
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