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Everything posted by Draginea

  1. Sorry, I should have been more specific. What I mean by robust is the ability to mix and match things like power cycle, materials (for burn time and reliability), expansion ratio, stuff like that. While I appreciate SPE, it is more like a tweakscale for existing engines, and not something that can be used to create new types of engines and technology families.
  2. Sorry if this is not the right place to ask this, but I could not find a more appropriate place. So, I know developing a robust procedural engines system would be an insane amount of work, but does the RO/RP-1 team at any point, even in the distant future, plan on developing something like that? I completely understand if it would be way beyond the scope of the project, but I can see such a system adding a great deal of gameplay and role-playing depth.
  3. 736) Why doesn't KSP accurately simulate physics down to a sub quantum level and up to a multiverse level?
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