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    Curious George
  1. Thanks I took a look at the Vos-stock and the idea is really nice but a bit small, also I could like it to have the sphere hollow.I couldn't find anything like a Sphere in the OKB-1 thread except for Mulbin's design and one which was roughly the same (the idea). I tried out the B9 Aerospace pack and yes it has triangles though I have yet to find an equilateral one but I guess it could work with these. I'll put some work into it thanks! thanks I already knew that though!
  2. thanks! that helped me a lot already!
  3. Hello everybody! I'm Whitefrost and I'm glad I got this game. It's astonishing and a ton of fun! I'm trying to build a sphere as a fairing at the moment though I'm having problems since there are only square structural panels. And building a sphere with only them is KIND of hard.. I managed to get one working but the panels were overlapping eachother and it just ended up in a ton of lagg and my PC melting (to be fair I may have made it a bit big..). Soooo I'd like to ask all of you if there is a mod that adds more structural parts like a triangle into the game. I already found this mod: Procedural fairings It's pretty nice but I really need parts like the already existing structural panels in the game. Preferably triangles. Also is there an easy way to duplicate objects while being in the Assembly Building? I found out dragging a part from the ship somewhere where it's not attached and then using strg + z to reset it keeps the part you dragged off but that doesn't seem to be the right way to do it.... Thanks to all of you and I wish you a great launch
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