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    Curious George

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  1. Hi Guys, Now that 1.05 has settled down I'm doing a little Xmas Kerballing and started a new RP-0 Career Plus RSS I'm trying to build my first XPlane. Previously, I've been using the XLR11. I see the pack has changed and now I have early access to the NK-31/39 x4. I use tweek scale. everything else is as recommended I can't get the thing to ignite. I tried boosting it to increase pressure, pumping fuel from the gantry and various configurations of procedural tank. No Joy, Did some searching on it and looked for a YouTuber who had used it, again, no joy. So, appreciate of someone could bring a little xMas joy to my sound barrier bound Kerbals Tks EDIT: OK, found that scaling it was reducing the TEATEB to below 1, hence no startup. I searched for the part to change the default amount of TEATEB, but can't find the part. Says the name is SKTNK21 Block V. Anyone any idea where this could be changed? Or can Tweek Scaller be told to ignore TEATEB? Tks
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