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Everything posted by taukarrie

  1. seems like something that would already have been suggested but i couldnt find it anywhere here. it would be handy if we could build airstrips on other planets for those planets with atmosphere and heavier gravity for jet powered planes not based on kerbal. i havent built one yet but i can certainly see a long-range multi-stage rocket that ends with a jet powered plane. perhaps this could be linked somehow to mined resources that can be used for airstrip construction.
  2. Trying to read up all over the forums taking my first steps into KSP. Seems like one of the most important initial things to know would be how I can use the engine stats to gauge fuel efficiency, power, etc but there really isnt much int he way of tooltips and tutorials in-game yet. could someone help me understand the following engine stats and how I would use them to determine what engines i should use for what jobs? Engine Max Power: Engine Min Power: IsP at Sea Level: IsP in Vaccum: clearly performance stats. im guessing the engines perform differently at different altitudes, but i dont know what IsP means. I also assume that i should be comparing my rocket's weight with these numbers to determine which engines are best suited and how many. i understand that different stages will make things vary. but i dont really have a baseline to work with yet. Propellants Liquid Fuel: (0.9) Oxidizer: (1.1) I know these are the fuel components for the rocket engines. but every engine seems to have the same number values. i assume this is a consumption rate, but what is the unit measure?
  3. I know that resource gathering is a planned feature and that the upcoming career mode will likely have missions of some kind and there have been suggestions related to both. But I wanted to put this idea out there since i haven't yet seen any suggestions that really illustrate both systems working together. The Kerbal Space Program is presumably an operation sustained by a Kerbal nation of some kind. And like any space program here on earth they probably need to show results to earn continued support from their parent nation. This situation would present enough reason for the space program to receive requests from the government and/or private corporations to obtain resources from space and bring them back home. These organizations may also have interest in more private space ventures and could contract the space program to launch satellites or build space stations and planetary bases. In return for the KSP's services they would receive "support" from these organizations in the form of currency, tech, personnel, or any other kind of home-based resource that would contribute to the space program's growth. Ive been having a ton of fun building ships and exploring space. But a mission system like this would significantly extend a player's interest in the game by offering a more tangible incentive to explore worlds and build bases. It could also offer another layer of strategy when accepting multiple missions that could be completed in a single flight if a flight plan is calculated carefully. i.e. A mission to recover Mun rocks and a mission to build an outpost on the Mun could both be completed on the same flight, completing multiple missions at once, potentially earning additional rewards for efficiency. The mission interface itself wouldnt require much. Maybe it could be facilitated by a new Space Center building, like a business office or something. But the mission process would just be a series of checks to see when/if you complete specific tasks in a given period of time or during a given flight.
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