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Everything posted by Hassepossu

  1. Oh, the port was 8085! As previously said, that didn't appear in the KSP debug window. I got the impression that the port was by default 8080. Thanks! (I am not able to check if it works currently, but I expect it's going to work) EDIT: Yep, works perfectly now.
  2. http://pastebin.com/QRpC9x2F It is absolutely huge, and I notice mono has crashed. Pretty weird. If it helps at all, MechJeb works perfectly, so that didn't affect every mod.
  3. I tried to run Telemachus on linux (Kubuntu 13.04, KSP version The antennae do exist and they do show the menu when right-clicked, but Open Link doesn't do anything! KSP Debug Console never shows anything related to Telemachus. I put the mod to the GameData folder. I also tried putting the contents of Telemachus Parts and Plugins folders to the KSP Parts and Plugins folders, but it didn't make a difference. I'm going to have a LAN-party with my friends on the 10th of August and Telemachus would be really nice. I can make do with MechJeb if I must. Anyways, thank you Rich for creating such an awesome mod!
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