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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Oh God, why ? Everyone is obliged to write that this is a bad idea.
  2. Where is it ? This topic about these "few bumps" in the way. It only seems. These small polygons surface is always too small for the base and to sit on their aircraft. It would be nice to have a place for space racing
  3. It was series of experiments. First picture have internal sas in probe core and doesn't very useful, but can run some meters. Most useful is second picture.
  4. Same suggesting for Laythe ! Layhe ideal for spaceplanes, but haven't any flat place. In fact, on any planet no flat place for the construction of the bases, etc.
  5. Can you add feature for delayed dish activation and deactivation? energy savings would be very realistic.
  6. Have a problem with this mod. To fulfill mission on the dark side of planet, I want to save electricity. How to schedule dish OFF and ON?
  7. Þn my configuration new VAB and SPH is really laggy. But flying performance is really better than 0.20. I'm the only one?
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