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Everything posted by Airbuse

  1. I'm still at work right now, so I can't watch the streams...
  2. I'm french and currently hoping that 1.2 release will not happen to late tonight for me... cuz I don't wanna wait 'til tomorrow to take a look ^^
  3. too bad... i used the same crews since 0.21 or so... I tried slightly changes on the names, but i have'nt managed to get one single crew with the 3 classes - pilot/scientist/engineer...
  4. Erk. It sounds a lot like "they're nothing you can do". But once a kerbal got a class, he keeps it, until you change is name. So if it is randomly generated at first, shouldn't it be saved somewhere ?
  5. I'd like to make a little "up" on this tread, because i'm looking for a way to edit the kerbals class too, to give them the name i want. Il tried to simply hire kerbals ingame, and then change their name in the persistent file, but whatever the name i'll give them, they always become "pilots" even if they where engeneers or scientists before. It looks like the kerbal classes changes according to their names, but i didn't found no rules about it (the use of specific letters, names length, etc)
  6. Well, huh, i simply removed the incriminated texture, and everything works now. But i don't know why it did that... Anyway, thanks.
  7. Oops, sorry. I found this : [TR.TextureReplacer] UnityEngine.UnityException: Texture 'TextureReplacer/EnvMap/PositiveX' is not readable, the texture memory can not be accessed from scripts. You can make the texture readable in the Texture Import Settings. at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Texture2D:GetPixels (int,int,int,int,int) at UnityEngine.Texture2D.GetPixels (Int32 miplevel) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.Texture2D.GetPixels () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at TextureReplacer.Reflections.initialise () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at TextureReplacer.TextureReplacer.LateUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  8. Hi dudes, i've got a problem... Texture replacer does work AT ALL. I put it into my gamedata folder, just like i did with previous versions (that always worked). But with the new 0.25 KSP version, I downloaded the latest version (1.7.3) of TR that i put into the 0.25 gamedata folder, without changing anything, but my kerbal still got their helmets on Kerbin EVAs. After checking, nothing else work... heads, suits... meaning (i think...) that the whole plugin doesn't do anything. And i didn't found any solution by myself, neither on the Internet. Beside, i'm using Activetexturemanagement, Environnementalvisualenhancement, and module manager 2.5.1, if there is any known conflict... In advance, thanks for your help.
  9. I just (re)saw the Apollo 13 movie, and I wondered… What do you think about random (but fixable) system failures? Parts of the vessel could just fail (with a chosen frequency -> from “none†to “who the **** hired those mecanics ?â€Â) and have to be fixed manually, a bit like the actual wheels repairing system. Parts of the vessel could be associated with a system panel, with green/red lights, or directly on the stage informations on the left. Failures could be shown on it, needing an intervention. Some parts could be more fragile, or robust (understand : the probability of failure could be more or less important). Do you remember the ammonia leak that occurred during Chris Hadfield’s mission on ISS, that’s what I’m talking about. Engines, RCS, reaction wheels, or solar panel failures, leaks, that kind of stuff. This could force us to maintain our space stations, for exemple, or add a difficulty level to the game. During the lift-off, a critical failure could just abord the mission (and justify the use of, for exemple, escape systems. This way, a escape rocket (like the ones which were in use on Apollo missions) could be a part idea.
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