So, I've been working on a mod for ksp, I've already made a new resource, fuel tanks, and an engine that use it. The resource in question, is antimatter. The engine is incredibly powerful, and got me into an orbit in 15 seconds. My problem is modeling. I used the skipper engines model in this, and i couldn't open the I later learned that no one can. I started from scratch, and made a placeholder model (just to test). the model is the right size and shape inside the VAB. the problem is the attachment nodes. The Attachment nodes maintain the skipper engines dimensions, which is fine (they are the same height),but the nodes are hovering underneath the engine in the VAB! I've scoured the internet (through google) and found nothing that worked. I learned that you could set the nodes in blender, (I use blender btw) but it made no change. If there is something stupidly obvious that I'm missing, or something i just don't know. can someone please share there knowledge with me. I have so much planed, but all that prevents me is the modeling. Thanks in advance. Technus