(To warn you this challenge is a little odd, please don't get mad if you think this is stupid) The challenge is to draw or recreate a drawing, picture or blueprint a person has posted before you in KSP. Rules: 1. Only draw and use stock parts 2. Make sure to make a clear drawing 3: Please name the drawing so people know what it is and/or what to name it 4. Please label parts if they aren't obvious Example: Bill has made a blueprint of Kerbal X on a sheet of paper, he will now take picture of it and upload it to the forums. After that process Bob will see this and try to make a exact copy of it in the actual game. Then he'll take a screenshot and up load his impression of the blueprint to the forums. Upon seeing the rocket, probe, rover, space station or spaceplane Bob has created, Bill will rate Bob on how close he became on a 5 star or 1 out of 10 system. Here is my blueprint for the Munar Probe: http://imgur.com/aIazET0