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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. It's space. It's not slow enough to be a problem, but it's not exactly a fighter either.It's more or less just a nice mobile base.
  2. In that case. KIA wishes you a merry Christmas.
  3. You're welcome.I'll post some screenshots, unless you're planning on keeping it private.
  4. Ah. Yeah. Thanks.Still, add me on Skype. It's probably going to be necessary at some point.
  5. I have no idea what's going on. It'd probably be easier if everyone added me on Skype. My username is OwnageBurst279. That way you can all just message me if there's something going on that I wouldn't know about.
  6. What, not when. What's going on. I'm not entirely clear on how everything is organized yet. The OP is a bit of a mess ATM.
  7. Awesome. So we'll consider this official? I'd personally like to go for the evil corp, so if it's okay with Choninja I'd like to join him. Also, I'm not entirely certain about the production of BP, 25.7BP doesn't seem like a lot for a battleship to me. But I don't know how difficult it is to get BP. Finally, I'd advise you just give ships that use the white panels like that a small percentage discount. They're not expensive enough to warrant any complicated maths or tables.
  8. How about I show you one of my ships, at least then you can see what to do with me a little bit better. Here's an unnamed battleship (by your classifications): It's current armament would allow it to easily take out any other class of ship and it can easily be fitted out with a pair of small fighters, or a series of torpedoes.
  9. That would work for me. I'd get to design ships (which is mainly why I'm interested) and maybe do some video stuff. It might be nice to create showcases of the weapons and crafts designed by the other members.
  10. I do not presently have any recording software worth mentioning. However, getting some won't be an issue. My computer should be fast enough to handle recording at 1080p, although I'll stick to 720p because of the part count of the ships on here.
  11. Even if there's no way for you to get me involved, I'd be more than happy to help with designing ships and stuff.
  12. If we're going to mostly be doing weekends, that's fine. I can be on pretty much all day. If I don't get any prior warning, then I'd say between 10AM and 7PM, but if I'm told when to be on, I can do any time whatsoever.
  13. This looks very interesting. I'd like to get involved. Is the timezone limitation a matter of ping or a matter of scheduling? Because I live in the UK. I've got a very open schedule but I do have to attend school. However after 5pm UTC, I'm free.
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