Haha that one time where professionality got to the best of you. I knew that using my time to turn and land on the runway was unnecesary so I just decided to land next to Astronaut Training Centre/Mission Control and stop as soon as possible. Besides, it met the quota of within 5 km. To accomplish a better time I decided to create an entirely new spaceplane, but in the end I determined it was lacking control and would have spun out multiple times. After I pulled the plug on that, I went back to my previous Z-3 design and ripped out more luxury parts like ASAS and an extra fuel tank. I mean, who needs an Avionics Package when you can just micromanage every aspect of your altitude and speed, which I also broke a personal record of 26km high and 1.6km/s with running TurboJets. After that was completed, I moved on to my voyage to Duna, which at the moment has been stalled becuase I have no idea how to use the Sr. Docking Ports. Anyways, thanks