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Everything posted by Jcewazhere

  1. Went to Mun, hopped out and started setting things up when I got the screwdriver bug. Came here got the latest version and restarted KSP but Bill still can't figure out his screwdriver. However it may be because I launched on an older version so he still has a buggy screwdriver. Luckily I brought an electric driver so I can still set everything up. Regardless this is a spiffy mod, working great alongside the probe first mod. I get some simple probes to run the repeatable experiments and then later send up kerbals for the goo, science jr., and your spiffy experiments.
  2. I would like to have a planet near or above Kerbol's escape velocity with a highly eccentric orbit. A rogue planet that you only have a small window to catch. Its periapsis could be in between Kerbin and Eve. Also two planets sharing the same orbit could be cool.
  3. Yep it was the qStruts. I edited the save a bit: MODULE { name = QuantumStrut isEnabled = True IsEnabled = True ; Changed this to False EVENTS { for all 56 qStruts my station had. After loading the save now I have a nice stable station falling gracefully around Kerbin. And now I can right click to activate them when I need to move the station. In future builds I need to remember to add an action group for them.
  4. Before: Ignore the three tanks on the left, that was the launcher for the most recent addition still docked to the station. I only have the Joint Reinforcement mod, Kerbal Engineer, Enhanced Navball, and Quantum Struts mods. The station consisted of a main body that was the new giant fuel tank with some size adapters, many docking ports, a couple huge RCS tanks and a cupola module. 5 subsequent launches added escape pods; a space tug; 4 more cupola modules and a hitchhiker tank; solar panels and batteries; and finally a docking boom/comm tower. It took me all day to design, launch and dock each module and with only 2 more things to add disaster struck. I'm not sure if it's the return of the cupola bug, some bug with quantum struts, or something else entirely but the station spontaneously explodes when I switch to it. After: The 3.75 to 2.5 adapter seems to have disintegrated in this image. Other times when I quickload to watch it is one of the other size adapters, or another part entirely that goes nuclear making it hard to find the cause of the station's demise. The F3 popup just says structural failure between all the parts at the same time. See a more of the station and a couple iterations of the station's demise at http://imgur.com/a/Qrrw5. Maybe someone can tell me what if anything I did wrong when building this station.
  5. How about a rogue planet just passing through Kerbol's SOI for a few (dozen?) years. It'd be a race to tech up enough to reach it. Maybe call it Apophis. Have it cross perpendicular to the other orbits, and in between Kerbin and Duna's orbits. Give it an oxygen atmosphere as thick as Kerbin's and similar gravity to Duna.
  6. Yes probably more fuel than I needed, in one of my earlier iterations I ran out and pancaked hilariously. I tend to overcompensate. Until career mode comes out it doesn't matter too much though.
  7. That 930 ton thing is what it took to get my rover onto the mun. The orange bottom part is my heavy launcher sub-assembly. The silver/white part at the top is the sky crane part of it, weighing in at almost 90 tons by itself I think I overdid it a bit. Mechjeb, quantum struts and some welded tanks are the only non-stock parts in it.
  8. Try building the rovers in the space plane hanger, then you can copy the .craft into the VAB (they should be automatically shared imo) and either load your favorite subassembly launch vehicle(nifty mod) or just build a launcher under it. Getting that thing onto the Mun took some work, I had to launch it, get it into orbit around Mun. Then I built a sky-crane type lander, launched that and put it into Muner orbit. Then I had to dock the Rover with the skycrane and land (it took several attempts).
  9. Here is my 40ton beauty. It has some problems, but overall I'm quite happy with it. The worst is when I get within range of my tanker my frame rate drops to about 3 because of the excessive number of parts and my sad CPU. I've been experimenting with blimps for longer range mining but balancing storage capacity and maneuverability is difficult. Any spiffy ones people want to show off?
  10. I was going to ask for some welded flat solar panel arrays, but please continue working on the in game editor. Great work so far, thanks.
  11. I made a probe with 12 of the bigger Kethane scanners in the hope that it would allow me to scan more area at once, that didn't work like that but when I hit time acceleration I am able to go almost 1000X without gaps. It starts to work my PC hard for some reason, maybe it's trying to calculate whether there is Kethane in the node I'm scanning, so others might be able to scan faster but 1000X is much better than what I was able to do with one scanner. (if this has already been mentioned sorry for re-posting it, but I can't read 253 forum pages, and the search didn't find anything)
  12. Sweet thanks. If someone could change this to answered that would be spiffy.
  13. Is there a setting or something I'm missing that would allow the "Flight Overview" screen to popup for every flight, not just the complete failures? Sometimes I'll have something fail, but I'll save the crew and make a successful landing(Usually back on Kerbin, not my intended target). However without that screen I sometimes cannot see exactly what caused the failure to fix it for future flights.
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