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Posts posted by Kermudgeon

  1. Untitled Space Craft

    I think probably my first 50 rockets were named this until I realized I could / how to rename them, even then I don't think I started to rename them until I came up with a design I actually wanted to save and then started to name them "Lincoln Mark #" series. But it's time to rename them but I've not come up with a new name just yet.

  2. If you all are talking about the time span when that "Loading" image shows up in the right lower corner of the screen, there is a huge noticeable difference between 0.20 and 0.21

    I have both installed and was just playing with 0.20 earlier this evening when I decided to see if there was an update, there obviously was so I installed that and tried it and there is a most noticeable difference in how long it takes to switch between "scenes" if that's what you're calling them, i.e. build center, launch pad, radar facility etc.

    It's not bothering as I feel confident they'll lower the time again like it used to be and it certainly won't keep me from playing around with 0.21

  3. Well I can't vote, guess I'm too new here so I'll just add my voice here... Career mode all the way!

    I've been playing KSP since about .13 or maybe slightly before that and while I love to build the rockets, I'd really love it even more under a career type mode where I had to actually worry about finances and weight limits etc, stuff that will hopefully be in career mode.

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