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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Seems cone angle (at least on the 88-88) breaks if you target mission control in 1.5.2. I had to edit my save and point it back at just Kerbin, then everything worked fine. If I can confirm, I will throw an issue in github.
  2. My latest adventure, was a very fun to do and record.
  3. I can't do it, right before the game crashed, it still fell over. The last time at least I put the lander legs down. They were really working to make it stick, I thought I had it
  4. No, but I still had 2 more RCS science probes, plus 2 rovers with the probe core + science. Giving me the 4.
  5. It was probably related to the fact I crashed one into the surface, and that didn't feel very apollo style to me
  6. After a month of trying here is my latest attempt. Base Points +30 Goals - 3-man Mission +10 - 2-man Lander +10 - 2-stage Lander (leave the decent-engine on the mün) +20 - Main rocked aspargus'd? -10 (Wernher von Kerman does not like aspargus!) - Escape tower? +10 Its so light, just small structure pieces which, weigh 0.001 BTW - Lander stored behind the CM during ascent +20 - Lander tucked away behind some fairing? +5 - Free return trajectory to the mün +10 Not the best picture in my album, it was after I was in the Mun's Gravity - Flawless landing (no parts broke off, Neil Armstrong is watching you!) +10 - Got a Munar Roving Vehicle (MRV) on board? +15 - After succesfull Mün landing docked CM and MM in Orbit (no swapping ships without docking them first) +10 - MM disposed by crashing it into the Mün (remove Kerbal first!) +5 - Plant flag on the Mün (no cumulative, i.e. two flags don't get you 6 points) +3 Its at the 10K rover spot, I didnt get a picture of planting it, but you can see it as i drive back to the base. - Spashing down on Kerbin (land on water) +5 - Kerbal dies -20 Awesome new goals: - Deploy münar sub-satellite before returning to Kerbin +10 Points Landing accuracy (not cumulative) - Land within 100 meters of the NAM +15 I saw someone else land on the memorial, I couldn't save when I tried it, under constant acceleration. I was roving on the Moon one day... (not cumulative) - Are we there yet? - 15 points - Drive beyond 10km of the lander My gosh, this was the hardest thing. I made my rovers wider, heavier, and put an SAS on it. I got above 48 m/s with this design though. I did later loose control, but no kerbals were harmed.... well, no kerbals were killed. You will see I investigated my crashed rover site from a previous mission. Might Need Review MSEP - Mün Surface Experimental Package (not cumulative) MSEP must have power, probecore and at least one science-thingy - Science extravaganza! - 15 points - Deploy four experimental packages 2.5km from the landing site (and at least 2.5km from eachother) So, I had 2 rovers with probes cores, power, coms for science. I brought 3 mini RCS probes with coms to the surface. You will see I crashed one, but I was still able to deploy 4 total 2.5K away using the rovers, if you feel they count. This is a zero orbital trash mission, all parts have a return to surface trajectory, I used the free return trajectory for my Mun booster engine to return it to the surface of Kerbin. It was a lot of fun to look through all the other ships. I want to see if I can get into Mun orbit with less fuel. 218, unless you don't like my science stuff.
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