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Posts posted by effy

  1. It isn't. I have almost the same bug and do not have real fuels in my game. Also mine shows a second exhaust animation.

    I came across this bug aswell while testing the new reactors in sandbox mode. It might be related to the Quantum Vacuum Upgrade as the unupgraded plasma thrusters in my career save still work just fine.

    Another thing I noticed is that, while Antimatter Collection, Fuel Reprocessing and Tritium Breeding all seem to now work without the need to timewarp or have the vessel active (which is great, thanks Fractal!), the decay of Tritium into Helium-3 still only works under very high timewarp for me. On a craft with about 4000 Tritium on it the decay only showed at 10000x speed and higher.

  2. While experimenting with the Thermal Rocket Nozzle I have run into a small issue. When using the Thrust Limiter, it appears that both the thrust of the Nozzle as well as the power output of the attached reactor get reduced. So if i set the limit to 50, the thrust provided by the engine actually decreases to one-fourth of the maximum. While mostly this isn't a problem, it means that when using an antimatter reactor it uses more antimatter to get the same deltaV the lower you set the limit. Can anybody else confirm this behaviour, and is it intended?

  3. It seems that the reduction of science on repeated experiments is actually different depending on which part is used.

    For example 5/9 of the science (recovered or transmitted doesn't matter) you get from the mystery goo gets substracted from the amount you will receive for the same experiment the next time. I shot a capsule with six goo canisters into space an used them all at around the dame time. The science i got from this was: 10.0/4.4/2.0/0.9/0.4/0.2.

    As you can see, you can calculate the amount of science for each canister by multiplying the amount from the previous one with 1-5/9=4/9 (numbers in KSP are rounded to one decimal).

    Other numbers I found so far for reduction per one point of science:

    Crew Report: 5/8

    EVA Report: 3/4

    Soil Sample: 4/5

    Material Studies/Science Jr.: 5/7

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