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Everything posted by Killerxir

  1. So far, this is what I came up with. Since I'm running off a laptop, lag is a major problem for medium sized projects. This design as just over 300 parts (about 305 including 10 struts). Has 4x3 sets of standard torpedoes. Couldn't add any more or any special types due to the part count. Ship can allow modified Isprits to dock using small docking ports on the top, or the 2 larger docking ports at the bottom. The "arms" were suppose to allow fighters to dock to allow them to respond to any threats. The rear 2 "arms" are suppose to be loaded with auxiliary fuel tanks (similar to Macey's orbital silos) however this may take some time to develop due to lag. Haven't designed staging to get to orbit yet. So far, the systems seem to work. Image shows a stack of 3 torpedoes moved using TUG system.
  2. Well, so far, I managed to build a ship that holds 4x3 sets of standard torpedoes. I could have added better ones on but the part count reached just over 300 (about 305 including about 10 struts). Each reload (3 torps) has a tug system allowing it to be unloaded. I think its best to reload by using the fighter to dock onto the pile instead of using tugs. I haven't designed the staging to send it into space but testing it by editing the save file. So far, it needs RCS (got non installed) but the "simulation" shows it works. Running this on my laptop causes a LOT of lag so it may be a bit painful to try to get it into space using staging. From the lag, I doubt that I can load the auxiliary tanks as planned. If I had a proper PC, this could be used as a carrier to dock modified Isprits on either the top (has small docking ports like a flight deck) or from the side (where them "arms" are). This is the first ever capital ship I have ever made so I'm surprised it works as planned so far. Shows a stack of torpedoes removed from the ship including TUG system.
  3. Attempting to make a supply ship/carrier. Hoping to have extra fuel to either get it to where I want it or to supply other ships. I wonder if I'm allowed to send a ship up to resupply what ever I send up to orbit. I think filling up fuel may help me get interplanetary. Also could make it easier to send to orbit if its not filled with supplies in take off. Planning on added 2 auxiliary fuel tanks by docking to make it more useful. Wonder what ammo types to supply it with. Standard torpedoes or try to design something more powerful?
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