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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I PRESENT YOU............. the KERBALIAN ENFORCER! also known as 'Gifts from God'
  2. SO now they have rail guns, and satellites.......... the kerbalians now have the weapon system of 'Rods from God'?
  3. So far the Kerbal HALO jump Program has had a major success of almost 75% of its Kerbalnauts making it to Lo orbit for the Jumps! Those that make it that far have had a 100% chance of survival through reentry! However due to possible ionization of the suits through the atmosphere only 10% do not spontaneously combust upon touching the ground. But KSP recruiting methods have made sure that that are 1000\'s of kerbalnauts to send! We will have tons of DATA by the time we are done!
  4. Ive tried Tabing in orbital view, i cant see a mun around Kerth? is it a mod or part of the game in .11.1?
  5. my load time is getting kinda ludicrous ;P
  6. i have so many parts i didnt remember from where they came, ill post if people want it
  7. they just said space, and a rapidly degrading orbit is space...... i mean hell, they stayed up there 30 mins, that's space enough for em right? EDIT : Just tried it again, there's enough fuel in first stage to be going 2200m/s at 50,000m high.. so then you fire the boosters it will chuck em out there, but it takes longer, and there not getting paid by the hour.
  8. i thought it was fun to shoot the satellites into the dark inky void!
  9. Many Kerbalian media outlets have become desperate for communications in space. When the KSP engineers asked where they wanted the Satellites exactly, the main media replied with ' DUH, SPACE stupid.' So not particularly wishing to spend lots of time getting these satellites in orbit, and such, they designed the QSLR. Using every part that they can find, they slapped together this beauty. It can take 2 satellites up at once! Thus fulfilling there request for satellites in space that much faster! After the First LFE are decoupled then the aiming platform is aimed somewhere that's not kerbal... Then the solid boosters are lit and they are off and running! But you don't want to go with them... so you simply decouple the satellites and they go off... to SPACE! somewhere.. but hey, the contract is completed. Then its Back to the VAB as quickly as possible, because the less hours we put into this, the higher dollar per hour we make! Ah Pretty much on target! Ill get my coat on now! AND WE ARE HOME! good lets pack up and get out of here! I got cold brewskis in the fridge! Oh what? the Command mod? Just leave it out, we'll get it tomorrow, its not gonna rain to night or anything.....
  10. help yourself with it. I have no idea how to put it in the repository?
  11. Just a Skin I made that i feel is more appealing than the big yellow stripes.
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