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    Curious George
  1. I knew I missed something... That's exactly what I've been looking for. It's way too obvious for not being on the planned feature list. Well, thanks a lot!
  2. Hi folks, I've been playing KSP for a while now and like it very much. A bit laggy here and there but that's okay as it's still alpha. Well, one suggestion I'd like to make is to implement the ability to save a "ship" (a group of parts that is) as a part in order to make it reusable in other ships. Like, let's say, for example I've got a space station part consisting of some docking ports, some fuselage parts, some controlling parts and stuff like that. Everything that's needed for it to dock to an already existing space station once it has rendezvoused with the space station itself. And on the other hand I've got a transport vessel without any other parts than thrusters, fuel tanks, some other controlling parts and aerodynamic parts for stability, like, everything that's needed to get a payload of some kind up into orbit and make some rendezvous maneuvers. Two totally independed "ships" that could be combined. In 0.21 I understand I can only load one of these two ready made "ships" and have to build up the other part from scratch. I cannot combine two complete ships into one. Hence I'd like to save these two ships as, say, templates that I can load into the ship I'm currently building. Don't know if this has been suggested before. If it has, I apologize for reposting... What do you think? Cheers, Hendrik
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