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Everything posted by Darkomen

  1. Hello First time posting here. I was in the IOS App Store and wanted to see if there was a program like KSP. I searched for Kerbal Space Program. In the top 6 I found 2 apps promoting there the KSP app for mobile. One had 1 star but the one I was interested in was the one named Space Program Kerbal Edition. It has 80+ reviews with 4 out of 5 stars. First 10 reviews loved the game. I was about to buy it for $1.99 then noticed in one of the photos the mechjeb icon in a screenshot. Looking closer there screen shots of the pc version of the game. Looking lower on the review list I see people saying the same thing, it's a fake KSP and a scam. I wanted to ask does squad know about this and are they doing something to stop it or have the apps removed. This gives a fantastic game a bad name. Even more so to people that have no idea about the real game. Thank you to Squad and Mod makers for there hard work. Dark
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