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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. That is fantastic, but I can't imagine it'd be a comfortable ride!
  2. On this episode of Top Gear! Bob drives in circles! Bill screams at nothing! And Jebediah finds a rabbit!
  3. I imagine a lot of conversations starting with "Hey Jeb, remember that time you..." followed by a lot of laughter.
  4. Sent a rover to Duna. Skyrcrane wasn't equal to the task of 'not hitting the ground'.
  5. If we're talking about the popularity of a game, it would be helpful to look at the Steam statistics. http://steamgraph.net/index.php?action=graph&jstime=1&appid=220200&from=1362114000000&to=End+Time
  6. It's my understanding that Kerbin has substantially less mass than Earth. If the KSP Wiki is accurate, Kerbin has a mass of ~5.3*10^22 kg, whereas Earth has a mass of ~6*10^24 kg. This would mean Kerbin's mass is less than 1% of Earth's.
  7. I finally, finally, FINALLY built a functional, full-fledged SSTO! It isn't pretty, but it works.
  8. Absolutely the best advice. Especially helpful if you end up with unbalanced RCS placement, which usually happens to me.
  9. I visited the Armstrong Memorial. I didn't know I was visiting it at first; I only knew there was an anomaly there. I lost a wheel in the process, but I'm planning on landing a base there so there'll be an astronaut along to fix it eventually. I also put a new rover on Duna, but I got a bit overzealous with the throttle and the probe core was destroyed. In all other respects the rover was fine.
  10. Woo, science modules! Now when one of my probes crashes I can scream "THE HULL IS BREACHED AND THE SCIENCE IS LEAKING OUT!!!"
  11. I put a rover on Duna! Ambassador I, taking science to exciting new places! Drogue chutes and parachutes were far more effective than I thought; they were enough to slow my descent to around 7 m/s. I still got to use the skycrane's rockets a bit, but I was hoping for a more dramatic landing maneuver. In true KSP fashion, within minutes of this shot being taken, the rover lost 5 of its wheels in a catastrophic collision with a level surface that it was traveling parallel to. Ambassador II is being developed, with a wider wheel-base, larger wheels and fewer explosions.
  12. Got delta-v? Unless that's two words.
  13. I put Bill on Minmus! He's quite thrilled.
  14. Most proud moment? Probably achieving my first orbital docking maneuver. It was tempered somewhat by the fact that moments prior I smashed through one of the station core's solar panels, but still, very proud.
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