Thanks Crusha! so here we are The DH1 it's not much. This is first polished design which I tried to make as small and simple as possible. I'm Pulling a lot of Wisdom from the Rocket Company It has actually almost no cargo capacity since it only has 5-600 delta V for the second stage by touch down. However it has a small and regular docking port and carries one crew member. The bottom half does take 7 tons with change to a height of 120km with breathing room which would make it good from probe launches. The whole thing is completely reusable, but with no extra safety features which has killed a few of my kerbals along the way in testing. I also need to create a infrastructure for refueling at KSC. actually in testing my DH2 I found that a low altitude "kicker" engine like the Rockomax series makes the whole DTSO (sounds cooler) more efficient by giving the high efficiency low thrust engine much less to push with a already high velocity to work off. So I might revise this little thing to carry more.