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  • About me
    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Brought Bill out post haste, planted a flag and stared at my little guy and his ship, on the dark side, with the lights on, for around a minute, spent mostly contemplating where I wanted to go next...
  2. I wouldn't be against it, however I fail to imagine something tangible I'd pay for at this point, other than the main game.
  3. Hooray! Nice addition. Is there an eventual Create-A-Kerbal function coming or something?
  4. katesp


    Hi I think to change avatar is in upper right under "Settings", then "Change Avatar" (or something like that) on the bottom left.
  5. Aren't Jool and Eeloo on a 3:2 orbital resonance? So they wouldn't line up in order...Eeloo and Jool would have to be on opposing sides of the Sun to line up
  6. Running out of fuel during landing, because you just know that if you did some tiny little thing differently you'd be planting a flag instead of relaunching.
  7. Getting a guy to the surface of the Mun probably
  8. Almost managed to get a probe lander onto Eeloo. Try again tomorrow.
  9. Haven't quite made it, but I'd go to Laythe first I think. EDIT: null vote
  10. I'm on a pretty dumpy computer too. Keeping the camera away from anything solid helps a lot. Other than the obvious stuff, I think that changing Max delta-v physics time per frame (probably messed up that name) from .1 to 1.0s (is that right? I moved the slider all the way to the left) helped me a lot also. FWIW
  11. I managed to mindlessly slam a rocket taking off into one in orbit. Never thought the odds were against me.
  12. Make sure you minimize the amount of land rendering and number of parts and you should be fine. I'm on a similar computer.
  13. I've started recently and had the same problem...but I've found the mechanics are very solid. Any intro to basic orbital mechanics should be great for an intro to this game... Above all...persistence...never give up!
  14. Hello everybody! I'm new to forums and sort-of new to KSP. I found out about KSP from Nerd Cubeds videos, and fell in love with Scott Manleys. I've managed some of the basic stuff, and want to take part in the community, and hopefully learn a thing or two to help me on my own travels. If perhaps anyone involved in the making of this game is reading this; A big thank you and an internet hug, and I'll be buying a t-shirt once I have 30 dollars to my name.
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