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Everything posted by JohnDoe

  1. Laythe: Flight 0-~10 km Upper Atmosphere ~10-~15km space near Lythe ~15km-200km
  2. I just tried to get to "flight" at Jool and found out that "space near Jool" goes at least down to 118km. I encountered no "upper atmosphere"
  3. -space near the Sun (??- 1 000 000 km) -space high over the Sun (1 000 000 km - SOI limit/infinity)
  4. I launch right when the target is over the Space Port and go in a 73km orbit. Then you are behind your target and move on a faster orbit. You just have to do a Hohmann transfer at the right time to get your rendevouz. For the last kilometers i first kill relative vel. than head towards the target. Repeat until youre about 30-50m apart. Then dock.
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