I'm very early in the learning curve, and I built a manned rover last weekend. It was so pretty I decided it needed to be launched into space, with no particular goal in mind. Once in Kerbin orbit, I decided to see just how far I could expand my orbit toward the Mun, and quickly ran out of delta v with the little rover-mounted rockets. I hadn't really considered the fate of the two Kerbals, but at that point my mission in the game became to recover them. So I made an unmanned rescue vessel with a hitchhiker module, and sent it out, and discovered matching orbits is *hard*. Especially because I hadn't figured out maneuver nodes. I stayed up till two in the morning, burning out and in and out trying to close the gap. I hadn't thought to put RCS on the rescue ship, so close maneuvering had to be by EVA. Eventually I figured 0.5 km was as good as I could do, and sent Kerbal #1 out of the marooned rover on EVA, and discovered that EVA maneuvering is *hard*. At least at first. So I burned up 80% of the EVA propellant and was nowhere near the rescue ship, WHEN THE ROVER RANDOMLY EXPLODED. I wasn't watching when it happened, but I heard it go, and when I looked there was nothing but bits of debris and a few wheels. Goodbye Kerbal #2. I went to bed. In the morning I figured out maneuver nodes and EVA controls, and it only took an hour or so to pick that guy up and ending his 5 day EVA adventure. I had no idea I would get so involved with not leaving a kerbalnaut stranded.