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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Jet engines don't work on eve, only on Kerbin and Laythe! I used Aerospikes for my return vessel because of their high ISP, especially in Eve's very dense atmosphere. But I haven't been there since 0.18 so I don't know how much fuel you need...
  2. Your formula would be right, if the mass of the spacecraft doesn't change. But since you are burning fuel, it does. The accelleration gets higher the less fuel you have, so you need more time for a maneuver when your tanks are full. There is a way to calculate this, but i don't know how...
  3. Once I launched a refueler to a station, and I was able to rendezvouz and dock it without dumping the upper stage (orange tank + Mainsail). Although the ship was meant to be deorbited after emtying its tanks, i left it there as an extra fuel tank and engine for the station.
  4. oktupol


    Hello everybody! My name is Sebastian - As you can see in the title, I am bavarian I started playing KSP when version .13 got released and now I decided to be active on this forum as well. I hope I have a nice time here.
  5. Try putting them as far away from the center of mass. You have to put them on both sides of your spacecraft, to keep it balanced and efficient. With SAS activated it should be no problem anymore to turn and strafe.
  6. You are using two different types of docking ports. They have to be the same.
  7. Granted, but Jools atmosphere is acid. I wish a hoverboard.
  8. If you are quick enough and the game didn't auto-save yet, press Alt+F4! Restart the game and it should load the last autosave, which was created hopefully few minutes before you quickloaded. If it isn't so, then you have to do all your work again...
  9. Another option without changing key bindings is going into docking mode. You can do this by klicking the button in the lower left corner of your HUD. Or, since it is possible in .21, simply assign all reaction wheels to an action group and deactivate them once you have landed your rover.
  10. My first and favourite old game is Mario Kart for The Gameboy Advance. I got it as at christmas 2001 and lost it few years later in a subway train
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