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  1. After updating my game today my ship that was clawed onto an asteroid was partially submerged into the asteroid, leaving me unable to undock without RUD. The asteroid also happened to be a different colour(still magic). Something in the update must have changed the procedural generation and given me a newly shaped asteroid that ate my ship. Reverting to 1.3.0 and loading a previous quicksave gave me back my original asteroid thankfully. Can anyone else confirm?
  2. This seems to be somewhat related. My air intakes became occluded by a service bay mid-flight. Video: As you can see the service bay doors bumped my intakes when opening and when the doors were closed my intakes became occluded. Ksp Version: v1.02.842 Win 7 64 bit Mods: Just Kerbal Engineer and Chatterer Craft File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6z65p1ep3auk6rq/Service%20bay%20bug.craft?dl=0 Steps to Replicate: -Launch the craft file and open/close service bay doors mid flight -Air intakes should become occluded(may need to revert to launch once or twice as this does not happen 100% of the time) Should I submit this to the bug tracker?
  3. Solved??? http://i.imgur.com/wzSOmOe.png
  4. KSP Version: v0.25.0.642 Windows 32-bit OS: Windows 7 64-bit What Happens: When using a strategy that boosts science or reputation from funds (Outsourced R & D, Appreciation Campaign), if you accept a contract that awards an advance in funds, the appropriate gain in science or reputation is not added immediately to the indicator at the top of the screen. For example HERE when I accept this contract I should gain +3,815 funds and + 49 science. HERE I have just accepted the contract and the funds have ticked up but the science stays the same. This is also true for reputation if using Appreciation Campaign. This is fixed when you reload the scene(ie enter and leave the VAB). As you can see HERE the correct science value is now displayed.
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