OK, perhaps a noobish question, but I am a noob. Bought the game three days ago and have been glued to it since. Which probably isn't productive, but there we go. Right. I know that I need to balance my mass with my thrust to get my ship into space and do cool things with it. So far I've been able to successfully put a small craft into orbit and got a lander on the Mun. However, I didn't have enough fuel to get back. My design was based on the video tutorial by pebblegarden, with the difference being I used a 3-man pod rather than a 1-man pod. The difference in mass was clearly the issue, given that my fuel usage was relatively similar to the tutorial but I didn't have enough thrust to achieve escape velocity from the Mun. Which is most unfortunate for Jebadiah Kerbin's mother... So, the actual question after the ramble: is there a way to check the total mass of your vehicle? Or is this something I have to estimate from the parts I've bolted on? I've got a rough idea of how much thrust/fuel I need to move a something, but I'm not yet experienced enough to optimise this for my payload. Of course, every time I add a fuel tank, I add mass, which required more thrust, which requires an engine, which requires more fuel, etc. I'm sure through trial and error I can calculate these ratios, but it would be much easier if I could tell quickly my total mass. Any help on this would be appreciated. Even if the answer is simply "go and work it out for yourself"!