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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I drove about 25km on the Mün had 50 more to do, but crashed... Another failed rescue attempt to get Jeb and Bob back home.
  2. So anyone knows if there is going to be any public video taken from launch?
  3. I find mun quite scary, especially when I did a first look at it as I started a burn for getting on orbit, also the landing is kinda creepy for the first part, but at low altitudes I don't feel so bad...
  4. thx for answers, at least I learned that I need to add more fuel to my ship next round EDIT: btw how do I change this to answered?
  5. So I got my first succesful trip to Jool system with my strange setup. However I am for some some reason on polar orbit around Jool. So my ship is on low fuel (250 liquid) and I would be able to get a Laythe encounter somehow, but not to waste fuel I'd like to try aerobraking as hard as possible to gain an low orbit.
  6. I couldn't find an answer to this elsewhere, so here we go... I'm using linux mint 15 atm, and the ksp freezes on the very end of the loading screen, I can see the bar fill up, but nothing happens then. I get no error message, if I try launching via the command line. no mods, deleted settings.cfg to be sure... EDIT: Due to copying the files from existing installation, the permissions were wrong on home/"user"/.config/unity3d I deleted it and downloaded new client, works now on linux mint 15!
  7. I've got one on mun, but adding smaller tyres might work on other moons as well. The beams are bloking it from falling over.
  8. I've added some beams to avoid mine from flipping. Only tested on mun, but with slower tyres it might work in other moons as well.
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