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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. So this always happens when i quickly flick between ship view & orbital view. When going from orbital to ship view the camera is zoomed out to the max so I have to manually zoom in back all the way. Any fixes or is it something you can change in the settings ?
  2. So I put 2 goo cannisters into a service bay, and they blew up... I had nothing but 2 cannisters in that service bay and they both blew up whilst the doors were close, and nothing else was damaged, just the cannisters... My periapsis was at 35km when re-entering... Screenshots
  3. Those 3 core things are good, but what about SC-9001 Science Jr. bays? That is usually the thing I'm not sure how to protect from the heat.
  4. So I'm really early in my Science mode save and whenever I send manned ships to collect science from space high above kerbin or fly by's of the Mun, my ships always blow up from overheating during re-entry (apart from the capsule), so my goo cannisters, science bays and everything else apart from the cockpit is blown up (I'm using heat shields). Any tips?
  5. I talk on skype alot to friends and it comes a bit of a hassle constantly fiddling about the each of the volume sliders, It would be nice if Squad added a master volume slider. It would be a simple addition but a useful one.
  6. Is that 2nd to last photo not zoomed out enough? I guess I could return there on my KSP. I've already left that place but it should be pretty easy to find again.
  7. Ahh right, I've never come across this before, I only ever watch HOCGaming and Scott Manley for KSP video's and I haven't seen it from them.
  8. I was landing on the mun in my career mode to gather some science and I stumbled upon a landmark that I saw from a distance. Here are some photo's.
  9. I'm using MechJeb and I want to ask is there a tool on it which calculates the angle of 2 bodies relative to the sun. E.g. If anyone's been on ksp.olex.biz and it tells you when to launch yourself from a planet depending on angle. Is there a tool in MechJeb to measure the angle between 2 planets?
  10. I was attempting to build an interplanetary spaceship in orbit. First I sent the core up, everything was fine. I sent the lander up and docked it, fine again. I then sent up 4 of the atomic engines + fuel tanks and docked them. I had fears of the ship being unstable and as soon as I attempt a Kerbin escape everything just wobbles like a jelly spaceship. I'd spent about 2-3 hours getting them all up and it just failed, big time.
  11. The first time I landed was when I had 2 rovers attached to my lander so I could drive them about. Soon did I realize that I didn't have enough fuel to get my 3 Kerbals home. I sent a rescue ship to pick them up but landed too far away. I tried to drive the rover with the 3 Kerbals to the rescue ship but kept on flipping and crashing over the hilly surface. Those 3 Kerbals never returned but the rescue ship did, just a shame the rescue ship didn't actually rescue anything.
  12. I managed to get into orbit with plenty of fuel in my main rockets. The problem is that there wasn't enough fuel on my lander therefore I couldn't rendezvous with the main rocket in orbit. The 2 Kerbals on Duna plummeted towards the surface and sadly passed away in a blaze of glory. The Kerbal on the orbital main rocket found his way back to Kerbal safely. That takes my Kerbal death count up to 5 on my save.
  13. I've been trying to aerobrake but it's taking too much fuel, it takes about 1000m/s of delta-v to get into the atmosphere to aerobrake. I fear that this is another failed mission along with my mun mission.
  14. I'm trying to land on Duna but there is a slight problem if not a massive problem. Here are some pics of my situation. I want to ask, have I completely screwed up this mission or is it still possible even with my atomic nuclear engines with barely any thrust. My Periapsis of Duna is just above 1,000,000m
  15. I've only had the game for 2 days but I'm rather proud of my creation. I present the Kerbalnational Space Station (KSS) The 2 large struts with the Hitchhiker modules & X200-8 fuel tanks have been docked in orbit, also the 2 X200-16 fuel tanks on the left of the station have been docked in orbit. Docking was really difficult on my first attempt at a dock. But after the first dock it was relatively easy. Anyway I'd love to see other people's space stations.
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