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Posts posted by Arthree

  1. Had the same problem two days ago.

    My impression is that around Kerbin and even Mun, the orbit is ok if it's roughly in the ballpark.

    But around Minmus, you need to be almost letter-perfect.

    Two days ago, my error was a measly 200 metres at periapsi. Nothing that can be seen by eye.

    The tip I was given and am now giving you: Set the thrust limiter to the lowest possible setting and try to hit the orbit as perfect as possible.

    If you use MechJeb, typ in all those boring decimals.

    But, as Colin Campbell (and others) once said: Mind your decimals.


    Yeah, I was within 170m on each apsis and 0.004 degrees on inclination. After I disabled FMRS, Coherent Contracts, and Contract Configurator, it recognized the orbit.

  2. I wish you guys would stop repeating that nonsense. The contract conditions are independent, and you do not need to build a new craft to satisfy the orbit requirement. This is a technical question about the accuracy of orbits, not an "I didn't read the contract, halp pls" question. All of the contract's orbital parameters as well as my sat's orbit are in the OP. If you don't know how to read them and don't even know how the contract system works, please don't bother answering.

    In any case, I tested this in a clean save and the orbit was recognized without issue. This appears to be an issue with either FMRS, Coherent Contracts, or Contract Configurator. When I reloaded my career without those addons, it recognized the orbit as expected.

    Here we can see that you can complete the orbit/stability requirements without a valid ship:


  3. edit: this appears to be an issue with either FMRS, Contract Configurator, or Coherent Contracts. The game recognizes the orbit without them running.

    I got a contract to put a satellite in Minmus orbit. The only parameter I'm missing is matching the orbit and remaining stable for 10 seconds. Here's the target orbit and my orbit from the save file:

    name = SpecificOrbitParameter
    state = Incomplete
    disableOnStateChange = False
    values = 0,0,0,0,0
    targetBody = 3
    deviationWindow = 3
    difficultyFactor = 0.800000011920929
    orbitType = 6
    inclination = 29.4959648202019
    eccentricity = 0.336474122040093
    sma = 1018486.611352
    lan = 330.015462362215
    argumentOfPeriapsis = 90.9152758315248
    meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 1.00085459935079
    epoch = 0

    SMA = 1018146.09885518
    ECC = 0.336405005069997
    INC = 29.4995900848707
    LPE = 90.9649353361005
    LAN = 330.016247052645
    MNA = 5.43750381028034
    EPH = 7551762.04827297
    REF = 3

    It seems like this should be sufficiently close to the target.

  4. I installed KAX through CKAN today but it didn't extract the firespitter directory in the KAX archive, which contains a .cfg, and which resulted in no parts being loaded by the game on startup. I checked the file that CKAN downloaded, and it definitely has a firespitter folder in there, but it did not get extracted and does not show up under KAX's Contents in CKAN.

  5. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but pressurized tanks don't seem to exist for me. I've extracted the PressurizedFuelTanks.cfg to the GameData\EngineIgnitor directory, and the small engines say they require pressurized tanks, but no matter what tank I attach to them, they won't ignite and the fuel status on the engine's context menu always says "Unpressurized".

    Also I get this in the ksp.log:

    [LOG 17:45:59.847] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankSmallFlat/part/fuelTankSmallFlat'

    [ERR 17:45:59.851] Cannot find a Module of typename 'ModuleFuelTanks'

    [LOG 17:45:59.866] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/FuelTank/miniFuelTank/part/miniFuelTank'

    [ERR 17:45:59.871] Cannot find a Module of typename 'ModuleFuelTanks'

  6. One bug: I added a second engineer to a rocket (it had 2 sats on it), and the Engineer VAB window half-disappeared, leaving only a glitchy grey bar. When I went to launch, I couldn't click anything, even though the "clear debris from launchpad" and "abort launch" buttons lit up when moused over. I will try to replicate this when I get home.

    Feature requests:

    - orbital period

    - longitude of/time to ascending/descending nodes

    - longitude of periapsis and true anomaly (and by extension, the spacecraft's longitude relative to the planet it is orbiting, for adjusting phases)

  7. togfox: The trusses are from the Deep Space and Kosmos packs.

    Add wheels, jet engines and a lot of fuel and drive it to the north pole.
    This seems very Kerbal. I might try it, although I think keeping it upright when driving over hills might actually be harder than keeping it together during ascent/landing.
    Holy Poop?!What are you doing on the north pole? Digging to the core of Kerbal?

    Making a interplanetary slingshot? Jeez this thing is Huge..

    It's an antenna, intended for connecting all my RemoteTech keosynchronous satellites. Hence the north pole.

    Update: MOAR TRUSSES.

  8. I just found out about this thing. Not sure how I didn't know about it sooner. So far I've only played the "demo". I hear there's munwalking and landing struts in the paid version? That would be nice, considering my first mun result:

    But ultimately it's not so important, so I think I'll stick to free for a while. Apart from new parts and fancy features the main thing I'm looking forward to is the tycoon aspect of the game that is basically non-existent right now. It really needs economy management, space port building and all that. I think that more than anything will provide replay value. Like some sort of evil genius in spess.

    I also know they are working on more planets? I think first they should make the existing ones more interesting. It's great to (fail at) landing on the mun, but once you're there there's nothing to do. And the main planet is basically just green grass and water. Nothing very interesting at all. :(

    Between the available mods and plugins, and the persistence that you get with the paid version, you can already do an evil-genius-in-space sort of thing. There are lots of us that have whole satellite networks and moon mining operations and space refueling dumps set up.

    You sound like you're already planning on buying the game eventually. Why not buy now, and enjoy all the community building (and game building) that happens between now and full release? ;)

  9. I call BS. I put 5 engines and 6 400L LFTs in drop tanks on my plane. It took only 19:45 for me to burn through all 2400L of fuel in those. How exactly are you lasting 48 minutes on 6 Mk1 tanks?

    Edit: My attempt is currently burning about 0.2L/s/engine with 4 engines running at cruise (14k, 510m/s). In a best case scenario, you went for 48 minutes on the 6 tanks of gas you took in drop tanks, therefore burning 48 minutes * 60 seconds/minute * 4 engines * 0.2L/s/engine = 2304L of fuel. I don't think the Mk1 tanks you're using can hold 384L each.

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