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Everything posted by ce4aser

  1. TWR is bugged, TWR = 1.29 , and start rocket engine low, not fly.
  2. On Future Goal: * Show crew's energy. * Now all crews start with 100 energy, on future crews will have different value. * Flying the missions will improve maximum crews energy attribute.
  3. re-uplated to my hosting (direct link).
  4. Thank you to all. In next update will use new algorithm. I am in job. If will i travel to home back then i will start implement new algorithm.
  5. G-Force [0.1.02 Beta] Welcome. This is my plugin, that enhances the realism of Kerbal Space Program. In the real world people have limits. One from much is acceleration due to gravity (G-Force). When i played KSP, I said, Kerman is immortal. Falling from a great height survived, extreme G-Force survived and this plugin fixes this. Screenshots: (first image is screen from game, second left is time-life (sec) of G-Force on Vessel, third right is time-life (sec) of G-Force on EVA "Kerbal Space Program/GameData/GForce/Plugins/PluginData/GForce/config.xml" is configuration file. Where gForceVesselRateis rate from drain energy in vessel, gForceEvaRate is rate from drain energy in EVA and gForceRecoveryRate is recovery energy rate if G-Force < 1.5. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <config> <double name="gForceRecoveryRate">1</double> <double name="gForceVesselRate">1</double> <double name="gForceEvaRate">1</double> </config> Download: * GForce_0.1.02.zip If you found bug or have you idea for improvement G-Forge plugin then write on this thread. Thank you. Changelog: * 0.1.01 Beta : Create plugin. * 0.1.02 Beta : New algorithm and condictions death crews. On Future Goals: * Show crew's energy. * Now all crews start with 100 energy, on future crews will have different value. * Flying the missions will improve maximum crews energy attribute.
  6. G-Force [0.1.01 Beta] Welcome. This is my plugin, that enhances the realism of Kerbal Space Program. In the real world people have limits. One from much is acceleration due to gravity (G-Force). When i played KSP, I said, Kerman is immortal. Falling from a great height survived, extreme G-Force survived and this plugin fixes this. "Kerbal Space Program/GameData/GForce/Plugins/PluginData/GForce/config.xml" is configuration file. Where gForgeVessel is max allow G-Forge on Vessel and gForgeEVA is max allow G-Forge on EVA. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <config> <double name="gForceVessel">12</double> <double name="gForceEVA">3</double> </config> Download: GForce.zip If you found bug or have you idea for improvement G-Forge plugin then write on this thread. Thank you. Changelog: * 0.1.01 Beta : Create plugin.
  7. how get G Force ? - - - Updated - - - ok, i found no documentation, but methon on visual studio try-fail. for other people: this.vessel.geeForge
  8. i learning KSP SDK. KSP SDK have very low documentation. this.vessel.<?????> ???????????? how get strain vessel ? no change speed G = 0 from vessel, change speed is high then strain is high. or example how get surface speed ?
  9. people how to get vector strain ? function is exists or i must will create ?
  10. For category: Add-on Releases, Add-on Development. Chaos, chaos, chaos. 1.0.2, 1.0, 0.25 very very mixed. Why this category have not sub-category for version 1.0.2, 1.0.0, 0.9, 0.25 ... for better transparency ? from ../Add-on Releases/ to ../Add-on Releases/<version>/ from ../Add-on Development/ to ../Add-on Development/<version>/
  11. if i delete PartExtensions.cs work, if i add 2 same component erroor windows. PartExtensions.cs is bug fix on place few same component. - - - Updated - - - where i found normal documentation with examples as for php (php.net), but on KSP.
  12. yes, if i ihave only TutorialPlugin.cs with out line "using TutorialPlugin.Extensions" and remove file PartExtensions.cs then work. on part.cfg i add MODULE { name = TutorialPlugin }
  13. Hello i have this source: TutorialPlugin.cs: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using UnityEngine; using TutorialPlugin.Extensions; namespace TutorialPlugin { public class TutorialPlugin : PartModule { private Rect _windowPosition = new Rect(); private GUIStyle _windowsStyle, _labelStyle; private bool _hasInitStyles = false; public override void OnStart(StartState state) { if (state != StartState.Editor) if (!_hasInitStyles) InitStyles(); RenderingManager.AddToPostDrawQueue(0, OnDraw); } private void OnDraw() { if (this.vessel == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel) _windowPosition = GUILayout.Window(10, _windowPosition, OnWindow, "Hello v 0.0.1a Dev", _windowsStyle); } private void OnWindow(int windowId) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("hmmmmm", _labelStyle); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUI.DragWindow(); } private void InitStyles() { _windowsStyle = new GUIStyle(HighLogic.Skin.window); _windowsStyle.fixedWidth = 250f; _labelStyle = new GUIStyle(HighLogic.Skin.label); _labelStyle.stretchWidth = true; _hasInitStyles = true; } } } PartExtensions.cs: using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace TutorialPlugin.Extensions { public static class PartExtensions { public static bool IsPrimary(this Part thisPart, List<Part> partsList, int moduleClassID) { foreach (Part part in partsList) { if (part == thisPart) return true; else break; } return false; } } } Where is error, all code is on youtube tutorial ! why is not working ?
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