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Everything posted by Sir_Jeb

  1. Wow, this has got to be the most epic think I have ever seen in Kerbal Space Program. Wow, just Wow. An absolutely fabulous job, I somehow don't think it is quite as maneuverable as an actual raynos, but when something like this is built, that doesn't matter Awesome Job
  2. I wanted to be safe and not fly back out of the atmosphere, and I think it may have been my first munar return because all of my other mun missions never were really meant to come back home.
  3. I know some mods are supporting the tech tree. Like Interstellar and I heard some where that Kethane was incorporating the Tech Tree.
  4. I was coming back from the Mun first time( on career mode) and with the return burn from Munar orbit was close, like, skin of your teeth close. I had 3 and half units of Liquid fuel and 4.3 units of Oxidizer left. It was AMAZING, I even have pictures to prove it Hope you all enjoy, Your friendly Medieval Kerbal, Sir Jeb
  5. Hello, I was playing career mode and I though that it might also be fun to start on a different tech line. If you have any info on this I would really appreciate it.Thanks! Your Friendly Medieval Kerbal, Sir Jeb
  6. Hello, I am having trouble with relaying large amounts of science back to kerbin at any one time. How do I increase this amount, also There is a little percentage thingy on the transmission button for data and it says like 20% or 50% how do I change that number? Your friendly Ye Oldy Kerbal, Sir Jeb
  7. Hello, I am new to the forums. My problem is I keep having to rebuild my station over and over again. So I have come to the forums. Requirements are Needs to store lots of fuel, Needs to dock at least 8 craft. Would like it to look nice and cool. Would like an observation module. Mod restraints B9 aerospace Lazor Mod Kethane Procedural wings If you have any suggestions for me on any mods for colonization, please post them. your friendly medieval Kerbal, Sir_Jeb
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