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Posts posted by Phenakist

  1. I am a user of blender for 3years and it's a great tool, but honestly I would recommend modelling/animating in blender and then exporting to unity. the steps to use unity are REALLY simple and makes life so much easier, also learning unity is a good skill as its a popular engine

    on subject, the reason I say this is because the calculate option in unity for angles makes this problem you are having a non-issue. it just works. (providing you have the KSP shaders)

  2. Hey guys, in early development at the moment, however I thought posting up some early images will either inspire me or inspire you guys to give feedback for improving my models before finalization.

    Current ideas that I have is to increase utility, pictures below.

    2.5m fuel tank + utility space for large science pieces such as science lab. Bottom attachment can fit either a 2.5m engine or 1.25m engine for flexibility, also possiblity of side attachements such as decoupling engines.



    1.25 + 2.5m fuel tanks + utility space - bottom attachment 62.5m engine space


    commandpod utility rail. RCS fuel + 4way RCS locations with radial engine/parachute support



    Let me know what you think, what can be improved or bugbears with current KSP base game + mods that don't offer quite what you may need

  3. You would have to explain to me how I mod for the procedural wings, that I wouldn't be familiar. as far as KSP is concerned I can make objects, put textures in game, write basic configs and also do animations (although more than 1 animation I still have issues with so if any tutorials are out there point me in the right way)

  4. I imagine the only way around the FAR issue is to make two seperate wing parts that combine together ingame as two pieces? So for example PART 1 is ''wing_fold_main'' and there is PART 2 that is ''wing_fold_secondary'' for example. Would this be the best way to do what you require?

  5. CFG :-



    // Kerbal Space Program - Part Config

    // B2SFuel


    // --- general parameters ---

    name = B2SFuel

    module = Part

    author = NovaSilisko

    // --- asset parameters ---

    mesh = model.mu

    scale = 0.1



    model = Phenakist/T8T4/B2SFuel


    // --- node definitions ---

    node_stack_top = 0.0, 15, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0

    node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -15.1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0

    node_attach = 5.01, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1

    // --- editor parameters ---

    TechRequired = advRocketry

    entryCost = 4800

    cost = 1600

    category = FuelTank

    subcategory = 0

    title = B2SFuel

    manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co

    description = A stretched variant of the FL-T400, the FL-T800 holds twice the fuel in a slightly stronger container. The black stripes along the side make the rocket go faster, our engineers tell us.

    // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision

    attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0

    // --- standard part parameters ---

    mass = 0.5

    dragModelType = default

    maximum_drag = 0.2

    minimum_drag = 0.3

    angularDrag = 2

    crashTolerance = 6

    breakingForce = 50

    breakingTorque = 50

    maxTemp = 2900



    name = LiquidFuel

    amount = 360

    maxAmount = 360




    name = Oxidizer

    amount = 440

    maxAmount = 440



  6. http://postimg.org/image/u82ennlw3/

    Just a little mock up of an idea I had for KSP fuel tanks. This one is a 1.25m-62.5cm fuel tank. My thinking is to make a set of parts that reduce the need for adapters in the later game, so from a framerate to part point of view you have the option, but at the expence of unlocking the part AFTER the current adapters

    Texture is temporary ;)


    In game.

    Does anybody know why the texture hasn't loaded? I specified the texture in the config but seems to always be white. Is there a certain format of texture I need to be using?

  7. Hey guys, I thought I would start a thread to express my interest in making assets for KSP. My main problem is that a lot of the idea's I used to have for kerbal have now pretty much been covered leaving me at a loss now I come round to actually attempting to model!

    Do you as the community have any ideas of parts you need/want for KSP? If so leave a comment below!

    As it was suggested I have some other art projects I have worked on over the past few years. Some relate to gameplay, most recent being xenonauts when I toyed around with making assets for that, however the rest are more just set pieces over anything with real functionality, but here they are.

    - Low poly RPG for game design


    - Swords


    - WH40k dreadnought (albeit unfinished)


    - Typhoon


    - Space Scene


    - Starcraft II Logo


    - DragonHead


    - Xenonauts WWII themed tileset


    - Xenonauts Construction themed tileset


    I have done numerous more projects than this, including short animations, but this is a decent shortlist of the varied things I have done with 3d modelling

  8. I have a couple questions about this mod, in theory I feel like this is a great addition to making KSP more immersive, however in it's current implementation I find it way too intrusive on the game.

    As it stands, things such as leaks can go hugely unnoticed, there's no possible way of telling I am leaking anything when I have several ships in the sky, no popup that alerts me to a possible mission catastrophe like loosing all my oxidizer whilst time dilating. I am well aware there is a colour coder to show potential issues, but I feel a time dilation reducer to x1 and a pop up warning me would be a more reliable system, accompanied by the nice colour coding overlay (much like how it works in the life support mod that does all this to make it 100% clear something bad has happened)

    Another question I have is regarding fixing decouplers. Is it possible? I did an EVA to try and manually pop the decoupler myself and I could see no possible way of doing this. Am I missing an option?

    I hope this is taken as positive feedback because this mod is great, and I am aware it's in alpha so I thought my input would be appreciated, but until some of these are addressed I manually edit the config so leaks // decouple fails cannot happen.

    Carry on the great work!

  9. Great mod, such a small change but a great one. There is one point I wanted to highlight that the administration bonus' also seem out of line and easy to exploit. I had a simple mission of launching a rocket part into a sub-trajectory orbit, this netted me with 317 science for a low cost of -9,597. Screenshot will be included but personally gaining 317 science for 10,000 funds seems way out of line.

    I will be de-activating this campaign as it kinda defeats the point of using this mod, but just thought I would highlight the issue as maybe a second mod idea to complement this one.


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