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  • About me
    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. here's a link to 19 photos I've taken, Hope you enjoy them! http://1drv.ms/1oj3BIf
  2. I'd never rip off this IP or any other. I just merely wanted the 3D models of the ships I've made in an attempt to see if I could 3D print them off. Thought it'd be cool to have a physical version of them.
  3. unfortunately you've all confirmed what i already thought but hoped wasn't true. Thank you all. but the idea of writing a script/program to analyze a .CRAFT file and make a .OBJ file from that sounds interesting... But my coding skills are very lacking, nonetheless I may try to create something like that, although i probably won't ever finish it. If someone who is actually adept at writing code did this i would be very thankful.
  4. As the title suggests, i would like to convert a .CRAFT file of a ship i designed and convert it to a .OBJ file so i could then import the design into another program such as BLender3D. Is this possible at all?
  5. Looks like the blueprint of the Apollo rocket explained using common words.
  6. there is actually a mod for this. I do believe its called the Sub-assembly loader. You can save sections of a ship and import them into other ship designs later on. Check the Spaceport for it and welcome to the forums!
  7. With mods, most likely. without mods, not yet. although, adding items from the science tab will tell you things, because they all actually work.
  8. I'm personally excited for all new space developments. As for SLS, NASA has few different versions planned, including one that is a heavy lifter, with a payload of about ~75 tons or more i think.
  9. I fear it may only get worse. But i'm glad to see a fellow XKCD reader here. Welcome!
  10. My first week of me playing KSP usually resulted in in my ships either blowing up on the launchpad, not having enough fuel to make orbit, or wasting the fuel trying to make orbit. That being said, I had just launched my latest ship in a desperate attempt to land on the Mun. While in the ascent stage, much to my horror, my rocket either had a structural failure or i miss-staged, either way there was a large explosion followed by a few smaller ones that left me with my last stage barely intact. As my friends watched on, telling me to abort and ditch the Akula rocket series that it was all together. I decided to be like Jeb and continue anyways, and to the astonishment of my friends, i managed to make a highly elliptical, yet stable, orbit before i ran out of fuel. That was a win for me, as it was my first orbit. I spent the next week trying to get a rescue craft near the stranded one to save Jeb, but it only resulted in failure. And the death of more kerbals. I still have that save somewhere though.....
  11. Really? That's pretty awesome. Mind if I pick your brain about the college and courses a bit? I haven't visited the campus yet and I'd love to hear what everything is like from a student's perspective, one not trying to sway my decision that is.
  12. here's some of the links on quantum communication. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/04/120411161604.htm http://www.technologyreview.com/view/515871/china-reveals-first-space-based-quantum-communications-experiment/
  13. Try Avast Antivirus. its free and its pretty good.
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