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Everything posted by Lar-E

  1. That was really quite awesome!
  2. I'm having horrendous trouble getting zero-G EVA under control. Poor Jeb pops out of his ship for a brief look around, and maneuvering him back proves well nigh impossible; he overshoots, he undershoots, he loses track of his spacecraft, he goes spinning off into space. Is this just a steep learning curve thing, or is there a trick to it?
  3. Yes! (yes, more subtle design; yes black or dark grey options). Although I may be forced to buy a coffee mug right now, this very instant. Who uses mouse pads though?
  4. What do your plaques say? Mine: First Mun landing. We come in peas. Second Mun landing. Any landing you can walk away from is by definition a good landing. Third Mun landing. Slightly better than the first two.
  5. So I landed Jeb on the Mun today. And, um, any landing you can walk away from is a good landing, right? Not so sure... We landed on a bit of a slope. Jeb got out and planted his flag without incident. But when he went to climb the ladder back onto his spaceship, damned if the thing didn't topple over. I guess you best start walking, Jeb ol' boy.
  6. Please forgive me if this has been asked before and/or beaten to death with a large wooden club, but I'm still a drooling, knuckle-dragging noob: What is the theory, in terms of game physics/realism, behind spacecraft yaw/pitch/roll control? My spacecraft all seem to have infinite maneuverability, despite the fact that I haven't included RCS thrusters or a propellent tank in any of my designs yet? I know pods come with built-in SAS now, but what exactly does that mean? Gyros? Tiny jets firing... what? Also, does anyone else get dyslexic about W/S pitch control? I consistently seem to get which direction is "nose-up" wrong, especially when it is especially mission-critical for me not to screw it up... is there a good way to remember; a mnemonic or trick or anything? Thanks!
  7. Just out of curiosity, how long would it take Jebediah Kerman to walk the circumference (at the equator) of the Mun?
  8. Having discovered KSP through the auspices of XKCD, I immediately became obsessed with the game (as is my wont). Many Kerbals have died, and many more became permanently space-sick, but we finally managed to land one Jebediah Kerman on the Mun, AND return him safely to Kerbin. Hooray! Much rejoicing! So my question is: What Next? What is a good next goal for a rank amateur possessed of more enthusiasm than physics knowledge or common sense (actually kind of like a tall, pink Kerbal himself)? Should I try an interplanetary trip? Docking in orbit? Lose Jebediah and send out a rescue craft? Thanks, L
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