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Posts posted by JMap1

  1. With the success of the "A Ha" thread (lots of thanks to nhnifong for the video :cool:), why not have some laughs?

    Facepalms happen. A lot! My latest mission to dock a hitchhiker can hab module to my space station was full of fail. As I was on my final few metres of the amazingly stressful procedure, I realized I was doing this without fine controls on. I was zipping all over the place! Once everything was in place, I wanted to check how the little green guys were doing. BY THE BEARD OF ZEUS, THE CANS ARE EMPTY! :mad: Every test flight I remembered to fill the cans, but when it comes to the actual mission, no dice.

    Ps... yes, I am feeling thread-cocky.

  2. That awkward moment of realisation, when i've noticed distinct lack of any kind of power source on brand new munar lander? My first reaction was to scrub the mission and start anew...but then i started thinking. Solution was simple (and kinda brilliant, i might add :D) - a dedicated power module consisting of two docking ports, structural part, four solar panels and an RTG. Everything strapped to a automatic ship and sent hastily for a rendez-vous in LMO. Before my lander runs out of power in its single, small battery - plunging hapless crew into cold darkness :D It worked perfectly, i'm proud to say - lander became a bit top heavy, but still fully operational and with plenty of power to finish his mission. So, moral is - never despair, kiddies.

    I may have to steal this idea. Too many of my ships have gone up without extra power. In fact, I may include a bank of these for my space station!

    And Jedi Master, I know wide rockets are better but I haven't been able to make the without the whole thing falling apart. Makes for some nice fireworks as I hastily try to deploy my parachuts.

  3. Last night at work my mind naturally wandered to rockets. I was trying to think of a remedy to a rather wobbly launch vehicle. It was carrying a payload due for delivery at the space station. Pondering and pondering all night when finally it hit me! If pushing doesn't work, why not pull? So I suspended the payload under the control pod and built the rocket around it. I'm still working out the kinks of the design but early models are looking promising. (Pics will come eventually)

    What are your "a ha!" moments?

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