Hey guys! Just thought I'd check in on the forums and make my presence known to the community. I'd been watching various let's plays of KSP on Youtube for a while and finally decided to buy it about a week ago when I saw it on sale on Steam. I've been enjoying it quite a bit- reading various tutorials on the wiki and basically learning the ropes. I'm currently practicing docking two ships in orbit but I still have quite a ways to go. For your entertainment, I will now relate a silly story about a newbish mistake I made while attempting this endeavor. How DancinDarunia Screwed Up Yet Again After two failed missions, I had finally managed to maneuver my ship within 1 km of the satellite with which I was attempting to rendezvous. My hopes were high as I deftly worked the RCS controls, inching ever closer to the docking port which was my objective. After several tense minutes of maneuvering I finally managed to line up my approach. This was it! Finally my goal was within reach! Surely I would soon have the two ships coupled together fastly as a pair of lego bricks. And with these bricks I would begin my construction of my space station, glory of the heavens! I carefully throttled forward, approaching the port at an excruciatingly slow 0.1 m/s. The two ships came together in perfect alignment... Bump! The two ships bounced apart like a fat pair of colliding walruses. Baffled, I realigned my vessel and tried again. Even more carefully I approached the docking port. Once again... bump! Concerned, I now zoomed my camera in closer to my docking port. Then I saw the problem. After reaching orbit, I had decoupled the nose cone on the front of the ship to free the docking port beneath it. However, when designing my ship, I had neglected to note which direction the decoupler ring was pointing. Yes, foolishly I had placed the ring upside down where it was still covering my docking port. Sighing deeply, I resigned myself to once again return home, my mission a failure. Moral of the story: Don't be a moron when planning your ship staging.