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    Curious George
  1. Greetings to my fellow Kerbals from Scotland! I've had the game for a month or two now but have been busy so I haven't been able to play it nearly as much as I'd like. This evening I completed my second successful Mun landing with my newly designed rocket. Although like the true newbie I am I placed an RCS thruster on top of my capsule's hatch and thus my poor Kerbals traveled all that way just to look through the windows! I suffer from severe bandwidth restrictions (long story - live in the middle of nowhere and can't get regular broadband) so I can't watch Youtube tutorials so I've signed up here to bask in your superior knowledge. I'm looking to learn more about docking and building Mun bases and space stations. Also, I hear there's this thing called "maths" (I believe American Kerbals may refer to it as "math") that can be applied to flight plans, particularly useful when you want to reach another planet without overshooting and ending up in deep space. So if anyone could point me in the directions of threads that cover these topics adequately for someone who is essentially a complete beginner I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
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