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Posts posted by RickRastardly

  1. Hah there is a Kerbal reference in that article:

    The satellite created a "high-resolution map of the boundary between Earth’s crust and mantle – called the Moho,"

    Noticed that to, bit of a coincidence.

  2. I've rather enjoyed my play through the career mode, made me come up with some inventive designs etc and has even made what would have been mundane things in sandbox such as sending a probe to Duna a huge achievement. In sandbox I would have just send a manned mission straight to the red planet, but because you want to make sure you can bring back your kerbal, I first sent a probe out with the relevant scientific equipment and tested what will be my interplanetary prime mover for the manned mission, I know I could have done this in sandbox, but having limited parts available gives it that extra something.

  3. Size is a rather nebulous thing in games anyway. I could easily make a simple game consisting of a 10*10 2d grid and declare all units of measurement to be in yottameters and have the biggest game world.

    Exactly so the measurement must be in time, therefore I think Eve wins by simply the time it would take to jump to every star system, visit every station and asteroid field. I played EvE from 2004 to 2010 and i doubt i visited every star system, but then i never tried :D

    If you then count the time it takes to do everything possible within the game, then i think Eve would win that as well.

  4. Is it just me, or is docking one of those things where one day you could dock the empire state building onto the back of a moving roller coaster, then the next day you struggle to dock your index finger with your left nostril?

    No.... but I love the metaphor

  5. Sort of, Docking has just been introduced, however when I came to attach something onto my new space station I realised I had connected the port the wrong way round, so nothing could dock with it. I decided to decommission the Space station, however it had no fuel to deorbit it. My solution was to retro-nudge it using another spacecraft. This was working nicely, but I got bored and as I increased thrust, something broke off the Space station. The pusher craft that I was using to slow the orbit of the space station then went right through the middle of my poor space station creating a MASSIVE debris field orbiting Kerbin.

  6. Bear in mind, Kerbals lack understanding of the concept of "Saftey" It'll take them MUCH longer than us to come up with a parachute. Or after the first few crashes. Or when they run out of space to hide the bodies and decide that not letting Kerbals return in one piece isn't going to work anymore.

    Fair points :D

  7. There's not much point designing ships yet, because we don't know which parts you'll have available. For all we know, the tech tree might be really harsh and not give us decouplers or parachutes until we've done suborbital science flights.

    I'm pretty sure parachutes pre-date early sub orbital spaceflight.

  8. Unfortunately I have no pictures but in a previous version of KSP (0.18 I think) I did manage to land a space plane onto Eve without to much trouble. Getting back into orbit again though was an impossibility, because you cant use air breathing engines on Eve there doesn't appear to be any advantage in using a space plane to achieve orbit again than you are using a dirty great big lander vehicle.

    If you were going to do this it you could glide down full of fuel then get back into orbit using stages like a normal rocket. An SSTO (which a lot of people seem to be thinking about) on Eve would be impossible methinks.

  9. I think the question is though is how much Delta V it takes to break out of the suns influence, or even if its possible. The one thought in my head is that you just get an orbit around the sun that so close to 0 that's it is essentially 0, but because the game wont allow it, your still technically inside the suns influence. This is of course assuming the Kraken doesn't eat your save file.

  10. Not building SSTO's.

    It's like an addiction. My Mun lander was carried into Munar orbit by an SSTO.


    After building a few SSTOs, going back to using normal rockets seems like a huge waste of resources but unfortunately I'm not quite good enough yet to get significant payloads into space using an SSTOs. for me getting an SSTO into orbit manned by 3 Kerbals was a huge achievement.

  11. Personally, I subscribe to a philosophy of "Go big or go home" - my "rovers" are more along the lines of rolling bases. I've found the track mod to be invaluable for this, as the tracks are far more resilient than wheels, and can take a lot more weight. As an example:



    This vehicle clocks in at about 650 tons. Landed on Eve without a hitch using airship parts (parachutes didn't work well because they would cut too early, when 90% of the vehicle's mass wasn't on the ground yet, due to its large size and the terrain not being ideally flat). I haven't tried sending it to other bodies yet, but its sheer mass would, I think, compensate for the grip issue. It actually has a problem on high-grav worlds, because the track pods have SO MUCH grip that trying to move it across anything other than flat ground (or, God forbid, turn it) has a tendency to tear it apart due to slight differences in grip between the pods (and, because of the vehicle's size and mass, the forces involved are too large to compensate for, even with super-struts from mods). I really should send one of these to Gilly at some point, to try it there.

    The differential grip problem was acute enough that trying to roll that behemoth off the back of the runway would occasionally tear it apart. Its successor design (never completed, clocked in over 1000 tons last time I worked on it) tended to fare better.

    How, in gods name did you get that into orbit around kerbin!

  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-23779561

    If you read the report it says that the water used to continue to cool the damaged fuel rods and thus needs to be stored.

    I get that.

    But why rather than storing ever more radioactive water, why cant they re-use it?

    Surely they only need to wait until the water cools down then re-use it...... obviously I'm missing something, but it is a bit weird.

    Also the leaking radioactive water situation leaking into the worlds sea sort of scares the hell out of me a little bit, despite the fact that I live on the other side of the planet.

  13. That was fun :)

    No dead Kerbals = 300

    Docking = 35

    stock = 50

    total 385 points

    My tactic, rather than just to intercept it like you would any other vehicle in orbit was to just get a really high AP (way above moon orbit) and just hover there waiting for the stranded vehicle to come into range and match speed.

    Tried to make a sort of lander craft as you can see but didn't have enough fuel left to slow down when the parachutes opened so the whole thing ripped apart, thankfuly I thought of this already and moved Jeb etc to the rescue vehicle. but other than that it was successful :)

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  14. Adapted a Space Plane I originally made for lols hence its strange tri-plane appearance!

    However I decided to adapt it due to its lack of any clipping and its high lift.

    I present the Fokker Branson.

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    120Km orbit = 50 points

    land on runway = 15 (Space plane overshot runway and ditched :( )

    um I ditched unpowered so... 5?

    Total 65 or 70

    I may tinker for a higher score later on, maybe crack the space plan unpowered landing.

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