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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Yea! what would be nice! If it always facing or have a choice like the ordinary camera.
  2. Hey! 1 try to make something new! Craftfile: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7f0wevo1cmf457z/Lifter.craft Is using some mods but just for the primary use.
  3. My fault missed make a gallery and make the stuff public:) Here is my Album: http://bosse007.imgur.com/
  4. Hey all! This is my first try to make a Hangar and i hope it will be fun to use! http://bosse007.imgur.com/all/ Mods used: B9 A8 spotlight array-Attachment-pack Place-Anythere windows Aviation-Lights-v3. Maybee missed some but will try to look it up! Craftfile: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/100199042/hangar.craft
  5. Sorry! Was my first try to contribute here! Will try to make all better and explane all for ya! I wanted a sweet hangar to doc and have fun mb letting ships refuel and get ready for the long trip. And i want to create ships in this hangar to. Have 3 docking ports inside so if its not to big ships 3 can be docked at same time!
  6. http://i.imgur.com/p669Neg.png http://i.imgur.com/5TtGFZC.png Have tried 3 dif hangars from the b9 mod and some more stuff. Complete craft and mods used comes later:)
  7. Have tried to make some space hangars! So here is my first shoots! http://i.imgur.com/9R4eBXi.jpg Used B9 mod and some other mods but makes it avaible later for all!
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