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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I made a short video on using the fairings. Hopefully it will help out if you get stuck.
  2. When I am doing inter-planetary trasnfers I would love a 'Maneuver Planning Mode'. Make a key bindable to it. It would show only your node (you could not select anything else) and your target planet. I don't need my periapsis or the son's apoapsis. Just the basics. I have spent 10 mins having to zoom in to re-select my maneuver node - not to mention sometimes it would disappear! See image clutter ..
  3. As an intermediate pilot this is a great reference video. I used to just fly the target vector and reverse thrust when I got close. Rinse and repeat a few times to close my approach. Your push the marble technique is great. I will try it on my next docking. Thanks for the great vid. Bookmarked.
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