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Posts posted by Kiduxek

  1. Maybe; I've run into an odd issue where the little green Kethane window in the map view turns into a couple of green bars, and the kethane map view goes away. I'm not completely sure of what's causing this, but I have observed that once the problem occurs, it's baked into the mod folder - affecting all saves, even new ones; I can remove all other mods but Kethane, and start a new game, and the problem persists. If, however, I leave all mods in place and reinstall the Kethane mod fresh, all saves are fixed.

    I doubt it's related to a parts pack - if whatever is happening is causing Kethane to bork its save mechanism, it'd almost have to be a plugin. (Almost. Computers are ornery.) Likewise, I doubt that it's MechJeb; too many people use it, so you wouldn't be the first report I've seen of the problem.

    That said, a list of active mods for comparison purposes:

    Kethane (of course)



    Engineer Redux

    KSP Interstellar

    Assorted bits from NovaPunch 2.03a

    At the moment, I'm suspicious that the problem is somewhere between KSP Interstellar and Kethane, as it's the mod I've just begun fiddling with (lots of shinies!) and there were log messages from it in the ksp log fairly close to where Kethane freaked out. That said, I haven't yet thrown together a clean install with just those two mods to see if I can replicate, so I'm not sure if that's really where the problem is, yet.

    My untrusting and suspicious mind informs me that both KSP Interstellar and Extraplanetary Launchpads make use of Kethane, and were presumably put together to work against the previous 0.7 release(s) of Kethane, and may still work against 0.7.x but not yet against 0.8....something else to check on, I suppose.


    Quick attempt at replication did not result in replication. Whatever it is, it's not going to happen just from loading up those two mods, and a few minutes of goofing around. Will watch for it happening, again, and try to remember to save the log files, next time. :confused:

    I have resolved my present issues by going back to Kethane 0.7.7 and EPL 3.2. Had a momentary bug which made me unable to return to the space center which has not recurred. My map is back, my scanners work and everything appears to be functional with 0.22. Give it a go with the previous release of Kethane and see? Lots of luck :)

  2. Hey guys, since updating to Kethane 0.8 and KSP 0.22, I am not able to see the geodesic grid or hear my scanners beeping. I am also using the Extraplanetary Launchpads mod and MechJeb in addition to a couple of parts packs. Has anyone else had this issue? Perhaps by stroke of luck someone has already figured it out :D I'll continue testing in the meantime and see if I can figure out why :(

  3. Do you have the latest Kethane? I believe Majiir fixed this bug.

    I am running Kethane 0.7.7, although in the Kethane changelog there is mention of the extractor animations being optional. Does anyone know if I can simply disable the animations for the OMD also?

    Kethane 0.7.7 has been released. The download link on the first post has been updated.

    This update contains fixes and minor API improvements. This update is only compatible with versions 0.6 through 0.7.6.

    Changes in this version:

    • Reverted an accidental change to the KE-C090 which combined its LiquidFuel and Oxidizer converters.
    • InstallChecker now matches Kethane plugins by name, not assembly, so it will detect old versions.
    • Fixed KethaneDetectorAnimatorUnity not playing the retract or running animations.
    • Extractor animators are now optional. If an extractor has no animator, it will deploy and retract instantly with no animations.
    • Removed KethaneExtractorAnimatorLanded.
    • IExtractorAnimator is now public.

    Nonetheless I am using pfairings and will look for that hotkey, thank you Majiir for mentioning that.

    Thanks to everyone for your help and input!

  4. Hey, sorry if this has been discussed before, but I've looked around the last fifty or so pages and not seen anything about it. Every time I add an OMD to my ship in the vab it expands to full deployed length. This would not be such an issue if I didn't hope to use fairings to make my payload resemble something aerodynamic. If anyone has ideas that could help to remedy this I would be very grateful. Thanks in advance everyone :)

  5. Awesome mod! I am however having some issues and was hoping you could provide some insight. In the SPH/VAB the rockets are showing the activated animations, I can see the rocket burn. This is also occurring on the runway and launchpad. I have not experienced any issues up until I installed Ferram Aerospace, perhaps there is an incompatibility there? Below is a list of my installed mods:


    This is by no means a game breaking issue, as far as I can tell the rockets are not offering any thrust until actual activation, they merely are animated all the time. It does make it difficult to see for construction however... hope someone can help :) Thanks!

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