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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. All other parts are stockparts. But as already mentioned I tried several times to reproduce the bug with the same vehicle without mechjeb part. Found out that it only happens with AR202 case not with the pod version.
  2. Hmm ok, tried it again. No connections broke and happend again only with MechJeb attached. http://puu.sh/5gEqV/db61ff4562.jpg
  3. I think the MechJeb Part is causing a bug for me. If my vehicle is under great acceleration oder slowed down the "mass centre" of my vehicle seems to shift. The camera is rotating around 20 meters away of the craft and if i turn the ship is also rotating around the "new mass centre". I already tried to uninstall any other mods but the bug still persist. Does anybody else has the same problem or even a solution? Sorry if this has already been postet.
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