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Everything posted by K_98

  1. here's the pic.... this ship.... I can launch it safely in V 0.18 but not in V 0.21 it always explode at about 6000 - 7000 meters height..... and here's the mod I'm using and oh.... I also include Jool mod, MPSS mod, DEMV mods (every mark), and TT modular wheel mod too
  2. help me..... I have a problem about getting the rocket into space.... when I launch the rocket...... it coming up and about to reach the second atmosphere layer and the rocket suddenly explode!! when I open up the log..... it said "the pod crashed into the atmosphere depth" WHAT DOES IT MEANS?? I really don't know!! [it happens with every rocket I tried to launch and reach the second atmosphere layer!!] does anyone who know what does it means?? or it's a bug of the game?? [V.]
  3. I have a problem with my kerman..... I downloaded the mod file [DEMV EX]..... the motorbike mod..... so..... the problem is..... when my kerman ride this bike. in the common sense you must see him riding....right?? but I can't see him!! here.... as you can see.... Jebediah Kerman is riding..... I can control the bike......but I can't see him but when I made him sitting on the original seat part [not the modded file, it's coming with the v. 0.20 game]..... I can see him so..... I think..... the problem might be the plugin of the modded files..... but I think I install it correctly.... I'm pretty new to KSP..... so I might made some mistake so what do you guys think what cause the problem??..... I'll be very grateful if you tell me ^^
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