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Posts posted by sopwerdna

  1. Considering the response to the drop tank, perhaps it would be a good idea to replace the decoupler with something that won't detach, simply to avoid criticism and have it be a "true SSTO."

    EDIT: Another idea might be to add an extra non-drop-tank (if the engines could support it) to give it a bit more range.

  2. So... if I'm understanding this right, the only barrier to making a working space elevator in KSP is the absence of something that can winch a vehicle up or down a rope (a minor problem), and more importantly, the practical problems with computers. In other words, the real barrier is just bugginess with objects that are both in space and in atmosphere at the same time. Is that correct?

  3. So we can just change the textures and add custom logos? And if we make the texture file for the existing letters bigger will it expand the part? I would think that if I were to modify the texture for one of your letters, it would just be cut off beyond the original size of the part...? Or will the part expand to fit the texture?

  4. Also -- if you start at an orbit of 475km and start your transfer 90 degrees before KSC, your geosynchronous orbit will be directly above KSC. The 475km -> geosynch transfer has become a staple of my gameplay. :D

    I tried the same thing... problem is, I ran out of fuel right at the essential moment... I ended up holding down H to use the RCS thrusters for about 10 minutes straight :D

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